Status: New Story

Trashed and Scattered

Panic Mode and Gualible Phone Calls

My eyes widened and I stood up.

"WHAT!!" I yelled pacing the room, pulling my hands through my hair.

"HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU!! YOU KEPT ME AWAY FROM MY OWN GODDAM MOTHER! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! DID YOU KNOW MY DAD WAS ALIVE?!" I stood there shouting at the woman that raised me my whole entire life, but how could she keep this huge secret from me?

"Okay...I'm sorry. I kept a promise to your mom, and no, I wasn't sure if your dad was still living, until today. Look, I know you're mad and everything, but we can always get on a plane and you can meet her....and and, Zack?" Zacky quickly looked up at her, staying silent, watching the whole thing unfold.


"Would you like to come along?" Zacky looked at me, then back to Kim and nodded.

"You know, it's not that easy. What if she hates me....What if she's married to some asshole and has children or something?" I started to burst out crying. My dad came over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay Kaylee....everything will be fine. I promise. I love your mother, even after all these years. I know she will love you....and hopefully, she will still love me." I looked at my dad and nodded.

"I need to make a phone call." Kim looked at me.

"Justin?" I nodded.

"Oh...and sorry for blowing up on you....I know it was for my own good." Kim smiled and motioned me to go into the other room to call my beloved fiance. The phone ringed three times, and he picked up.

"Hey hun, what do you need?" He asked sleepishly.

"I found my real dad."

"WHAT?!" Justin practically yelled.

"Yeah....and I also found out that my biological mother is still alive!!"

"Wow...." Justin breathed in, progressing my words.

"Hun....that's great. Are you going to meet your mom?" Justin asked, happy for me. When we were younger, and just friends, I would mainly cry about my mother being dead and such.

"I don't know...." I trailed off.

"Hun...You HAVE to...She's your real mother. I'm sure there's a reason why she didn't want you to know she was alive. She was probably really scared. You need to get a trip to wherever she's at, okay?" Justin said. He always knew what to say, and how to make me feel better. He was truely my soulmate. I wonder if my parents felt this way about each other.

"Okay fine...Thanks babe...I love you." I said smiling.

"You too hun. I'll see you whenever you come back. Take your time and get to know them. Oh, does your dad know about me?" I kinda laughed at the last question.

"Yes....Of course!!" I said, laughing a bit.

"He's not gonna get his shotgun on me or something? Wait, is he redneck?" I laughed even harder at that.

"Actually he's quite the opposite...he's the rhythm guitarist of a band called Avenged Sevenfold. I'm sure he could beat you into a bloody pulp, but he means well." There was a long pause on the other end of the phone.


"Wow...We're getting married soon, and I didn't even know your were a fan of my dad's band...and NO I didn't know he was in the band...I found out yesterday." Justin laughed.

"Wow...Yeah I'm a huge fan, but beg him not to rip my head off, will ya?" I laughed again.

"Okay...I promise. I told him everything about you already....He already likes you, but I also gave him your address, and I think he just left. He said something about...Um...Manslaughter?? Yeah...that's it..." I tried to sound serious.

"You better be fucking kidding me...." Justin said panicking. God, he was so gaulible, but I loved him.

"No dipshit, but he does like you...and I did tell him everything from our first meeting, to just being friends, til now." I explained.

"Oh okay good....I was kinda panicing..." Justin said.

"Kinda?" I asked.

"Well I got to go...See you whenever..." Justin said.

"K...Bye" I said.


I headed back into the other room, where Kim, dad, and Jeremy were talking about something.

"Hey...." My dad said looking over at me.

"Hey..." I said back.

"Well, Uh...Is it okay if I ask all the guys and their girls to come over...To Uh, Introduce you?" I laughed at my dad's nervousness, and he looked at me concerned.

"Sure thing....I already met Brian....So yeah, that would be great!!"
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What do ya think?Any suggestions?