Status: New Story

Trashed and Scattered

Meeting Everyone

"So..uh...are you and Jeremy coming along?" I asked Kim. Kim glanced at Zacky.

"Um, no. We're heading home." Jeremy shot her an evil look, and I could tell. I knew it was his dream to meet his idols, so I couldn't stand in the way.

"Uh...I want Jeremy to come along...You can too." I smiled a little, not wanting her to come along, because she can be really judgemental about people, but it was different with my dad, because she personally knows/knew him.

"Nah...I'm gonna go home and get plane tickets for us to go to Tennessee. Inluding Jeremy." She smiled at us, and I was relieved.

"So we'll get to see your mom...She'll get to meet you, and Jeremy, and get to see me and Zacky after all of these years." She said shaking her head with a smile. We all returned the smile, especially Zacky....his "smile" was more like an I-just-ate-shit grin.

"Well....I guess I'll go and get all the tickets arranged and such...Love you guys." Kim said and kissed me and Jeremy on the head, and hugging my father. She then left.

I sat down on the couch, thinking of how fast everything is going. I know it's not a dream, but I pinched myself just to make sure.

"Sorry." I breathed out, looking at Zacky.

"Huh? For what?" Zacky had a questioning look on his face.

"For all of this happening so fast. You know, me barging in. Plus, I didn't know my mother was alive, or you for that matter. Wow. I'm just shocked and so grateful. It's hard to believe that everything is happening so fast." I spoke. Zacky and Jeremy sat down beside me.

"It's okay...none of this is your fault. If I were you, I'd probably do the same. I'm just sorry for never being there. I wish I knew you existed, and I can't blame your mom or Kim for that either, because your mother was scared, and Kim kept a promise. I just wish she would of told me...You know I would of been there, right?"
I gave Zacky my dad a smile.

"When I was four, Jeremy's dad died." I pointed to Jeremy and continued.

"I don't remember any memories of being that young...basically, both of us never had a father." Dad gave us a sympathetic smile.

"You know, me and the guys will be there for the both of you....and when you get to meet your mother, she will be there too. She'll probably be suprised that I know that you existed" Me and Jeremy smiled.

"Um....Can I ask you a quick question?" Jeremy asked as my dad shook his head.

"Sure...Why not..." My dad replied calmly

"Are you and Gena still together....?" I looked over at Jeremy quickly.

"Um...I don't really know. I don't want to be with her anymore. I guess I should break it off." I gave him a soft smile.

"So...I need to call the guys real quick....They need to meet you both." My dad walked out of the room with his phone in hand. I looked at Jeremy and smiled.

"You know I love you bud." I said, rubbing this hair on his head.

"Ouch...You love me enough to put me in pain?" He screeched sarcastically.

"Yep...You know it!!" I said. I soon stoped, but Jeremy gave me an evil smirk. He moved closer and started to tickle me. I screetched out yelling and laughing at the same time.

"Helppp! Daaaddd! Jeremy stooooop!!" I laughed my hardest

"Shhh. Kids keep it down." My dad hissed from talking on the phone. Me and Jeremy immediately stopped, as my dad walked into another room. Me and Jeremy just sat there in silence.

A few minutes later my dad came back in the room. I just stared at the floor below me.

"Sorry I snapped at you guys. I had to make some important phone calls." He looked at us sympathetically. I looked up at him and nodded.

"So...uh...are we going somewhere or are they coming here?" I asked and Jeremy's face lit up.

"They're coming here...They should be here in about thirty minutes." I nodded.

We turned on the television to pass the time by, but that wasn't helping Jeremy. He kept tapping his fingers on his pants, humming. I looked over at him and laughed.

"What?" He said. I nodded.

"I swear...You need to calm the fuck down. They're just guys who are very talented. I know that all of them are your idols, but you can't be a creepy, stalker fan, okay?" Jeremy laughed.

"Okay....I'll try." We sat there in silence, concentrated on the television. Then we heard a knock, and Jeremy jumped with a huge smile on his face.

"Calm it...." I warned, pointing my finger at him. I saw my dad walk to the door, and me and Jeremy quickly got up to greet everyone. I first saw the guitarist, who's house we were at.

"Oh hi. You were the two kids that came to my house. Well, you found Zacky pretty well. I'm not sure if I introduced myself...I'm Brian" I laughed a little as he pulled me into a hug. He then held out his hand to Jeremy to which he gulped and took. I just laughed.

Next, a shorter man, who looked younger than my dad, walk in with blonde and black in his hair. He has a striped shirt on and black pants.

"Hi...I'm Johnny." He pulled me into a hug. I laughed at all the attention I was getting, but hugged back.

"YO YO YO MO FO'Z JIMBOZ IN THE HIZ-OUZ" One dude entered the house, strutting. He had glasses on, spiked up hair, and had a gray shirt with jeans on. He had a beer in his hand.

"Who are these kids? Gena didn't pop out any?" The crazy dude said. Zacky gave him a death glare. The dude pulled me into an akward hug, but I hugged back.

"I'm Jimmy...and I'm pure awesomeness!!" I laughed at his silliness and nodded my head.

The last guy came in with a buzzcut hairstyle, a red shirt, jeans, and avatars on. He had a lip ring, and he looked like if you messed with him, he could easily kill you.

"Hi...I'm Matt." He gave us a genuine smile and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back. Wow...these guys loved hugs. Wait until they find out I'm Zacky's kid.

"Um....guys...can you come sit down in the living room. I have some news." All of the guys followed my dad into the room and found a place on the couch. Me and Jeremy stood up by Zacky.

"I don't know how to start this....uh....Kales?" My dad looked at me, lost for words.

"Well, I'm Kaylee and this is my foster brother Jeremy...." I gulped and continued.

"Me and Jeremy went to Brian's looking for Zacky. As I've mom has been dead my whole life, or so I thought. I just found out she was alive. Her name was Rachael May Scott." I looked at all of the guys reactions. Their jaws were dropped and there was shock written all over their faces.

"Wait-" Brian started.

"Is can't be-"

"Um....I found this note in my room from my mom. It gave me hints of who my dad was. I found an old yearbook of hers and found Zacky's picture. I came down here to make sure..." Everyone smiled.

"So that's why my best friend left. Damn Zack...If you knew how to keep your dick in your pants!!" I laughed at Jimmy's comment. I guess they all knew and loved her.

"Well...I just found out today that I have a mother and a father...both alive. My mom's in Tennessee with her grandparents. We were hoping to go visit sometime. Jeremy's mom, Kim...-"

"OH MY GOD!! I LOVE KIM!!" Jimmy shouted and Jeremy laughed slightly and mumbled something.

"No wonder why she smiled when she saw one of my Avenged posters"

"yeah....but Jeremy's dad died when he was only a year old...when I was four. I've never had a father figure. Oh, um...I am eighteen and engaged." I blushed at that.

"So...who's the unlucky fucker that we're gonna have to kill?" I gulped and nervously laughed at Matt's comment.

"Um...his name is Justin, but Matt, you are not allowed anywhere near him." Matt smiled and laughed.

"Well...It's sooo nice to meet you. You'll have to bring Rachey back. I miss her!" I laughed at Jimmy's craziness.

"Will do."

I'm really gonna love these guys
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think? Especially about Jimmy's craziness? I don't care if he died, I'm still gonna continue his craziness in my stories. xD