Over and Over Again

You make me fall for you, you don't even try to.

You’re just the bassist in a band and I’m just some girl out in the crowd, screaming my heart out to you as you scream back through loud, angst-filled lyrics and thrashing cords and some killer drum solos. As your shaggy hair falls into your face, strumming your silent chords that can barely be heard, and you’re screaming alone with the lead singer, I fall for you. Over and over.

You look up briefly at me and look my way, giving me a small smile. I’ve come down to the same club the past few weekends to hear your band perform with some of my friends, hoping you’ll notice me.

Fucking stupid, my brain tells me each time I’m head-banging along with the intensity of the music or every time you catch my subtle glance, so fucking stupid. I know I shouldn’t be doing this. I know I shouldn’t keep blowing off going to my boyfriend’s football games to come down to this club each Friday night. I know it’s wrong even though we’ve never even spoken, but I can’t help it.

Each time after your set ends and it’s time for the next band to come in, I always want to go over and talk to you before you leave driving off, leaving this night behind, but I never do. My heart says to muster up every ounce of confidence in my being and go over there but my brain makes me think of Kent and then I stop dead in my tracks as you socialize for a bit, you and your bandmates pack up all your instruments and equipment, load up and drive away.

Then, there I am left standing on the street corner near the club, knowing that I let another chance with you slip away. I stand there having an internal battle in my mind until I feel a warm hand on my shoulder, a “Hey, what are you doing out here?” from one of my friends, and a mumbled reply “I needed some air,” and then a, “Well, come on, let’s go back inside,” from her and I look back to see your car faintly visible in the distance. 

But this is tonight. A new night. Over and over I know this is wrong, but I just need to talk to you after you’re done with your set. I know it’s not fair, but Kent’s weighing me down and holding me back and it looks like you might just be the one to set me free. Tonight I don’t care. Tonight I am headstrong and fearless. Tonight will be different. Tonight will be the night that I suck it up and talk to him.

“Thank you guys! We will see you next weekend, same time, same place!” the lead singer speaks into the microphone as your set is over and people are clapping and screaming. I was usually one of those people, but not tonight. I was too focused on one thing, trying to get through to you.

You get off stage and head over to the bar to order a drink. I sit down next to you, “Hey. Great performance out there. I really loved it.”

“Thank you. The past couple of weeks I’ve seem to notice that you usually come down here on Friday nights,” you have the slightest hint of a British accent and it was then that I died a little inside.

“Yeah, me and some of my friends usually stop by to listen to you guys and for some dancing and drinks.”

“Well then...you wouldn’t mind if I bought you a drink then, eh?” You’re only 17. Fucking 17. You shouldn’t even be here anyway, much less have a drink...or three.

“No, not at all,” I smiled at you and you smiled back and ordered.

Afterward, you stayed for awhile and we were gyrating to the next band’s music out on the dance floor. Everything about this was completely and utterly wrong. I shouldn’t even be here to begin with and shouldn’t be dancing with someone like this who clearly wasn’t my boyfriend. This isn’t you, my brain whispered to me, you’re supposed to be the poster child that every parent wants, the lacrosse player that every coach wants to have on the team, the class president that everyone voted for, the cool popular girl that everyone loves. You’re supposed to be the captain of the football team’s girlfriend. You’re supposed to be perfect.
“I’m supposed to be perfect...” I accidentally whispered out loud. He was so close he heard me. He then pressed his lips against mine and gave me a slow, soft, yet drunken kiss.

“To hell with being perfect,” you whispered back into my ear.

You were right. Screw being perfect. I’m done with it. And I can just tell Kent and the rest of the world that tomorrow. For now, you’re making me fall for you over and over again all in one night. And you don’t even try.
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This isn't really all that good, but I had an idea after listening to this song over and over again (ha! no pun intended) and had an idea and ran with it. Hopefully good enough for the contest. I hope you like it :)