Status: Oneshot//Finished

Those Stupid Beautiful Brown Eyes


It was those eyes that first got my attention.

Those big brown ones.

Those stupid brown eyes.

They were like a portal.

He seemed strong as stone.

Except for those eyes.

They show everything.

All his emotions.



And everything in between.

His name is JP.

My name is Hailey.

He is fifteen.

I'm fourteen.

He's a grade ten at Bellerose Composite High School.

I am a grade nine at Richard S. Fowler Catholic Junior High.

He is a pot-head and barely passes his classes.

I was a pot-head and am somewhere in the middle of my classes.

He has a horrible family life.

I have a on and off relation-ship with my parents.

He's had sex numerous times unintentionally.

I am still a virgin.

He attends a non-Catholic school.

I attend a Catholic school that I would die to get out of.

His friends think that I am a ugly fuck.

My friends think that he's a pot-head.

His friends think that he can do so much better then me.

My friends think that he's using me to get someone else.

I seriously doubt that and if he is why me?

Why someone that most people call ugly?

His friends are right.

He probably could've done much better then me.

He probably could easily get some grade eleven bleach blonde girl.

But no he picked me.


I've asked him that probably a hundred times, maybe thousands.

He never gives me an answer that can sastify my need, that can get rid of the gnawing pain in my stomach.

He never gives me that answer that makes it so it's believable, that he's not using me.

I guess I can thank my friends for those doubts.

Oh well.

Love will come and love will go.

I guess I'm just one of those people who is lucky enough to know what love feels like, even if it is for a short time.

JP I just gotta say one thing.

Don't change one bit no matter what anyone tells you.

You're perfect I swear it's true.

I don't care if we last one week or one year.

I really don't.

We were friends before this and we'll be friends after it.

JP just to sum it up I gotta say this.

Whatever girl you're with.

They're the luckiest girl alive.

Because they have you by their side.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not sure if this is just gonna be a oneshot or not.
You tell me.
Should I write more or not?