Read My Eyes, Talk Is Cheap


I let out a long breath once the car door was closed behind me and I was away from the harsh blowing wind of Chicago. Winters here were crazy. And crazy was an under statement. There were days where you’d walk outside and just freeze. But then there were always those days when it was a mild temperature outside and the sun shined off the snow.

My hands trembled from the cold as I attempted to start the car. The key turned and my Honda roared to life.

Grateful that it started, I smiled slightly and turned the heat knob to as far as it would go. Knowing I would have to wait for a while since it took the car some time to heat up, I relaxed into the car seat and clutched my pea coat tighter around me.

After about two minutes of hell, warm air started blasting through the vents. I closed my eyes and held my hands out right in font of the warm surge. The warmth caused my spine to tingle and goose bumps to appear on my legs.

“Great that I’m wearing a dress, isn’t it?” I muttered to myself, pushing a curl that fell out back behind my ear and licking my strawberry glossed lips slightly before slowly taking my car out of parking mode and backing out.

There was no snow on the roads, but there was ice. Lots of it. I hated driving on ice. Ever since a small accident in high school, driving out when the roads were icy was one of my biggest fears. The accident wasn’t bad, some dumbass just found it necessary to ram his car into the back of mine at the intersection when I was on my way to school. And me being 16 and still young at the time, I was freaking out.

The warm air inside my car fogged up the windows a little and I leaned over by the slightest, not taking my eyes off the road, and pressed the button which would make the windows clear again.

As always, the streets of Downtown Chicago were packed and absolutely ballistic. Honking everywhere, people cutting others off, speeding idiots. It was nothing new. This is why I thanked the lord that the Banquet Diner I was headed to was only about ten minutes away, because today I just did not have the patience for idiots on the road.

Not only had I been called in for a last minute shift at the pharmacy, but I managed to get home an hour ago and had 45 minutes to unwind and get ready. I only managed to curl bits of my hair while the rest was naturally straight with its own light curls, a bit of a flip to the ends. And I had only put on a tad bit of concealer and mascara complemented by dark green eyeliner which highlighted my light hazel eyes.

The ten minute journey easily turned into twenty-five minutes as the traffic on the roads was horrible this time of day. Upon parking in a space outside the building, I practically ripped the keys out of the ignition and managed to grab my small purse which held the envelope in it.

Hopping out of the car, I was blasted with the harsh cold winds and my body jolted slightly, shivers appearing almost instantly. I shut the car door behind me and clicked the lock button on my key, a small honk being spurred from the car in response.

My three inch heels didn’t do justice as I tried to hurry up and get inside, so I was forced to reside in a slightly quick pace instead.

I raised my hand to the cool metal of the door and tugged harshly; once it didn’t open I frowned and tugged harder. The ‘push’ sign on the door became visible and I felt my neck warm up from embarrassment. Quickly pushing the door I walked through and into the main hall, warmth enveloping me. Normally I would have embraced it, but not when I was fifteen minutes late.

The banquet hall was simple to find. Big wooden doors, and the sign ‘Michael Adam Parkinson’ placed next to it, the name of Josh and Ashley’s baby.

Quickly shedding my coat, I held it in my arms and hurried into the room. Everyone was sitting down and staring at the announcer, most likely the god father in the front of the room where Ashley, Josh, and the baby along with the god parents were seated.

Some heads turned to look at me and I felt my cheeks grow red. Dropping my head to look down at my feet, I quietly moved around the tables. I was subject to looking for the names placed at the tables to see which seat was mine. But considering there was only one seat open amongst all of the people sitting down, I was sure it was mine.

Taking my seat, I placed my small purse on the table and made myself comfortable by crossing my legs and turning my attention to the god father speak.

His speech, however, was at its end, and as he wished Josh, Ashley and Michael a great life, everyone clapped.

I wanted to make my way over to Josh and Ashley, but right as the clapping ceased, the food was being brought out and everyone remained seated at their table and started conversations amongst each other.

I glanced around the table I was at, table number 5. There was a younger couple across from me, both maybe around 22. They were clearly still in the honeymoon stage of their relationship; holding hands, kissing, cuddling.

I averted my eyes to look at the soup which was just placed in front of me, not bothering too look
at the other three people, two of them sitting next to me.

Lifting the spoon to my mouth, I tasted at the soup. It was good, not too watery and not too spicy. It was just as broccoli soup should taste; but I wasn’t in the mood for it. After a long day of work, especially an unexpected shift, I just wanted to change into sweats and lay down on the couch with a book.

“Not hungry?”

My eyes snapped up to look at the man sitting to my left who had just spoken. His eyes attracted me immediately. They were a light blue, slightly cloudy, and a deep look resided in them.

“No, not really.” I answered, giving him a polite smile.

He gave one curt nod and looked back down to his soup. I tried to shake off the feeling that I had just been slapped and mimicked his actions. It wasn’t long before the main part of the course was being brought out and I internally groaned upon seeing the large amount of food which was on the plates.


“Jacey, I’m so glad you came! At first I thought you weren’t going to make it!” Ashley exclaimed, throwing her arms around me and squeezing me tightly.

I smiled lightly, handing her the white envelope with Michael’s full name on it. “You know I would never do that, not to you guys.” I directed towards both her and Josh, who was standing next to Ashley holding the baby.

“Hey, Michael.” I softly cooed, raising my hand to gently tickle his small belly. He smiled a full out, toothless smile and I awed.

“Ashley, Josh; he’s beautiful!” I squealed gently.

Josh smiled down at the baby in his arms and then glanced at his wife, “It’s because he’s got all of Ashley’s features.”

Ashley’s cheeks turned a pink color and she smiled back at him, embarrassed. “Josh, what are you talking about! He’s got your face and look; he’s already starting to grow dark hair.” She pointed out.

I stifled my laughter, “Yeah. I don’t think Michael got his dark hair from Ashley’s blonde genes.”

Josh rolled his eyes just slightly and Ashley giggled, placing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

I smiled at them and politely excused myself. The food was done being served, and I was pretty sure I was going to gag if I saw any more being placed in front of me after the cake.

The DJ was now getting his groove on and playing upbeat music; and that was most definitely not what I wanted to do right now. Making sure to keep away from the dance floor in the middle of all the tables which surrounded it, I sneaked my way around the dancing couples and found my seat, sighing once I sat down. My feet hurt from staying on them all day today.

And since it was Sunday; I had another day of work ahead of me tomorrow.

I groaned out loud, not expecting anyone to hear me. Which is why I was surprised at the deep chuckle that came from beside me. My eyes snapped open and to the man from before.

“Great to know my cave man noises amuse you.” My eyebrows rose slightly and I examined him. He was built; that was for sure. It looked as if he spent every day of his life at the gym. His brown hair was slicked back and his blue eyes were now shining by the lightest.

“Actually, they are quite the entertainment.”

I narrowed my eyes playfully, but that didn’t stop the smile which appeared on my lips; his accent was heavy and fit his tough figure.

“Canadian?” I asked him, raising a glass of champagne from the previous toast to my lips.

He grinned, revealing a gap in his upper set of teeth; “Full blooded.”

I giggled lightly, “The best.”

The champagne was most definitely taking it’s toll on me; I was never so bold; especially around gorgeous men.

The DJ continued playing loud songs and I opened my small purse, taking out of phone and pressing the CLR button in order to light it up and show me the time.

My eyes widened, “Crap! It’s already 10!” I exclaimed, jumping up and grabbing my coat. The man stood up too, looking surprised.

“Tradition to have these on Sunday’s really sucks, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, it really does.” I agreed.

He brought his arm up, rubbing the back of his neck. “So, will I uh, ever be able to see you again?”

I stopped all actions and just stared at him, shocked. “That depends- do you want to?”

“Would I be asking if I didn’t?” His grin was full again, the gap visible.

I couldn’t help but grin back, both at his grin and at his smart response back; “You don’t even know my name.”

“That won’t be a problem, I’m Duncan.”

My insides twisted and butterflies appeared in my stomach as I shook his held out hand, “Jacey.”
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So I was brutally humiliated and scarred into writing this chapter. You have Captain Serious to thank for that.