Keeping the Demons at Bay

Drugs and lies lead to Rehab

It’s getting bad..all I can think of is when my next fix will come in….the fact I’m sober enough to write right now is funny even to me….I looked in all my hiding places, but none anywhere…even my holder is empty.
-august 17, 2006
ps. It’s my birthday…happy lonely fucking birthday to me

My guy got arrested…that means I have to use sparingly which means I’m fucked….
I put my holder in the back of my closet….hopefully it won’t come down to me needing it….
last night I came home wasted, fucked up and late. Mom was there to bitch at me for being late…. Sometimes I think she’s in denial. I have huge bags under my eyes and I’m always pale now…. I wonder if she wonders what happened to that perfect little girl she gave birth to and raised all on her own….oh well I’m getting irritated… -September 26, 2006

Today was a good day. My old friends came and saw me today…. It was like the old times…..we went out, ate, walked around the mall, went to the bathroom in Dillards to shoot up….well I went….
to bad one of them fallowed me in there….Stacy, my best friend. She cried and ran out…..I wonder if anyone really cares….
-October 29,2006

THAT BITCH I CANT BELIVE SHE FUCKING TOLD MY MOM!!!.....she didn’t even come to me first just run right to mom oh how I hate that bitch…I don’t know how we were ever friends….. Stacy is now dead to me -October 31, 2006 happy Halloween

This might be the last time I write for a while…I’m going away….mom found my stash….but not the holder …..the last fix before rehab… I said she is dead to me…..
-November 1, 2006

My name is Summer Chambers and I am going to rehab…..
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This is my first Story EVER!!! so if you hate it tell me why same if you like it thanks =}