Keeping the Demons at Bay


I got to keep my computer…they say that it will help make my life better if I keep writing….I think there all on drugs here themselves… detox. is over so I don’t shake as much now, and I only crave a little now….. My Dr is Dr Vanderbelt…ya I know I make fun of him all the time for it….my mom came to visit once…that was 3 months ago. She wrote me a letter a month ago though saying:

I have good news and bad. I have a new husband, his name is Harry. Were also having a kid, a baby boy were naming him David…that was the good news, now here’s the bad… you are no longer part of my family. Harry does not want our baby around a drug head. And I have to agree with him. I don’t know where I went wrong with you but I don’t want my new family infected with your sickness. Don’t try and contact me or my new family, we won’t answer.
Have a good life summer

So now I’m homeless, alone and poor…at least the weather is sunny….from my window…in a cell they call my room….
March 22, 2007

It’s my last day in rehab yep i have been in here for 8 months and I am 100% clean. Go me…But I have no where to go so the clinic is going to set something up for me. They have me living in a home with 4 other people… that I have never talked to before….. I’m more scared then I was the day I went into rehab, and now I don’t want to leave how fucked up is that…?
May 2, 2007
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its short but i didnt want to really put what went on yet.... message me =}