Keeping the Demons at Bay

New Life

As the car was pulling away all I could do was stare. The house that the car dropped me off at was HUGE, way bigger than any house I have ever seen never mind lived in. There was just one problem there was a huge ass gate to go along with the huge house and I have no way of getting through it. I could climb it but I don’t think that’s a good way to start off my new relationship with complete strangers. I was looking around when I noticed a speaker box; now I feel dumb…I mean how else was I to get in? Sometimes I’m such a dumbass. So I walked up to it pressed the big red button that even said above it ‘push to call’. So I did and what did I get in return a loud scream and a fuck off….what a great way to say hello….maybe I should have climbed the gate. As I was walking away a different voice called out,

‘If anyone is still there press the button again.’
So I did
‘Um hello’
‘oh thank god I thought Bert scared off another person today, who are you?’
‘Um my name is Summer Chambers and I was told that I would have to stay here until I’m released from the clinic’s care
‘OH YA, dur come on in, oh and if you see a strange man walking around singing to himself tell him to come inside’
‘oh k’
As the gate doors opened I saw the ‘strange singing man’ walking around the front door
‘Um hello?’
‘what?...who are you? the hell did you get in here?...go away I don’t want to talk to anyone today’
‘oh k first off I’m Summer Chambers from the rehab clinic, second someone let me in, and last if I go away I’ll be sent back to rehab, oh and the person who let me in wants you to go back inside.’
After I said all this he laughs, fucking laughs at me
‘So you’re the reject that Quinn is letting stay here I thought you would be fatter.’
‘Um….did you just insult me then complement me in the same sentence?’
‘Yes, yes I did my names Bert by the way’

I shake the hand he stuck out for me and instead of just a hand shake he kisses me full on the mouth, all I could do was stand there wondering what I was to do. Then the voice from the intercom saved me from having to do anything…


as he pulls away from me he says
‘that I should at least get his or her name before I do so ill know who sent the restraining order’

the smile he had on his face said you know you won’t do anything to me cuz you love me, but me on the other hand wasn’t the person standing in the door, and before this Bert person could stop me I slapped him, hard…

‘don’t ever kiss me again or ill do worse than slap you! Are you Quinn the person who is letting the 'reject' stay with them for the next two months?’
‘you fucking slapped me…’
‘Bert shut the fuck up you know she could have done worse, and yes I am but I don’t think you’re a reject Bert here is the only one who thinks that’
‘well I can see when I’m not wanted good day you evil people’

And with that he walked off and leaving me and Quinn standing there…

‘um can I see my room now? Or am I sleeping outside?’
‘Ha…ya but first you got to meet the rest of the guys,….and why would you sleep outside?’
‘Oh k, cuz I just slapped…what’s his name…”
‘ya him in the face and he lives here with you and two other people’
‘oh don’t worry about him and pluse if you stayed outside you would be rooming with Bert, he sleeps in the pool house during the recording time’
‘recording time?
‘Um…. I…what?
‘I don’t know you are the one that said it’
‘ya anyway lets get inside’

So we walked into this huge ass hallway. It had albums and fan art on the wall
‘um are you guys fans of the Us….OH MY GOD I'M STAYING WITH THE FUCKING USED?!…’
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I dont own The Used so dont worry its not real and none of this has ever happend =}