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Save Me From Me

t h r e e .

Here I was, tied up and thrown on the ground next to Auralee, and it was safe to say I was past scared. I was terrified. Rumor has it she murdered someone, or something like that. It's not that I believe in rumors or anything, but better safe than sorry. Maybe she did...

I looked at her. She looked as if she couldn't harm a fly... if that death glare wasn't on her face and fixed on me. And hey, if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. She kept mumbling under her breath and her hair was devilish. When she noticed me looking, her glare hardened. I didn't even think that was possible.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Alright? ALRIGHT?!" She screeched. "Do you freaking think I'm alright right now?!" I was kind of glad her hands were tied together, cause by the look she was giving me, it looked like she'd strangle me. "We are fucking stuck in the middle of freaking no where, are you dare ask if 'I'M ALRIGHT?!' Cause let me tell you, buddy, I AM NOT ALRIGHT!" She yelled.

I angled myself a bit farther from her. Auralee kind of freaks me out. "Sorry, I just thought that you got hurt or something..."

Auralee laughed hard. "Of course, Mr. Perfect! Just be even more perfect and help out someone, huh! Well, let me tell you: I don't want your help, or concern." She tried to stand up, but failed and fell down. Hard. "Shit," I heard her mutter under her breath.

A chuckle escaped my lips. When she heard it, her head snapped towards me. The look on her face told me to shut up or she’ll find some way to beat the crap out of me. I was scared. “Sorry,” I coughed, trying to cover my chuckling.

Auralee rolled her eyes. “Shut up. Now, make yourself useful and untie me,” She squirmed herself over to me and held out her arms. “Now do it.”

I shook my head. “Me first,” I said. I knew this game all too well. It was the help me, I’ll ‘find someone to help,’ but I’m actually ditching you. She groaned and untied me to the best of her ability. Apparently, her ability sucks because the best she could do was make it loose. I wiggled my hands out and rubbed my wrists. I suffered from a mild case of rope burn.

The last time I had rope burn was when I was seven and my parents used to take Lisette and I camping. Lisette was playing with the rope and thought it’d be funny to tie me to a tree on our last day there. So I got all panicky and kept twisting my arm in the rope. When my parents found me and untied me, my wrist was all bloody. It was disgusting.

Auralee cleared her throat impatiently. “Hurry up!” She snapped. I nodded and untied her hands. We quickly started working on our legs and were both soon able to stand without falling back. “Took you long enough,” She spat.

This girl was really pushing my buttons. I was getting pretty annoyed by her and her attitude. And I have a lot of patience! Really, I do. If you’ve ever tried to teach a baby not to cuss because your little sister kept swearing around her, then you’ll know what I mean. I groaned inwardly at the memory of Anneliese’s first word. We, well, I only had less than five days to teach her how to say “Aiden.” It was torture.

“So how are we getting out of this place?” Auralee asked, stretching a bit. She tied her dark hair into a bun and pushed her bangs out of her eyes. She looked a bit better. “I’m not familiar with this part of the woods. Do you have a phone or something?”

MY PHONE! I fumbled for my phone in my pocket and pulled it out… only to find it died on me. “Crap,” I said. “It probably died along the way. Do you have one?” I asked. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and leaned back against the tree I was leaning on.

She rolled her eyes. “If I had mines now, Mr. Smarty-Pants, then I would have used it long before!” She turned on her heel and started walking away.

I ran after her. “Hey! This is a pretty big place, we might as well stick together, you know. So we don’t get even more lost,” I pointed out. But she never said anything. Instead, she kept walking forward, not even bothering to glance back at me. “Hey!” I grabbed her wrist.

Auralee stopped and pulled her arm forcefully away from my grasp. “Don’t touch me,” She growled. She kept walking, and I kept following.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" I asked after a few minutes. "It feels as though we've been passed here already. Maybe I should lead the way..." I suggested. She stopped, turned around, glared at me for a bit, then started running away.

I ran up to her and grabbed her wrist again. “I thought I told you not to freaking touch me.” Then she did something I never thought I’d ever receive. Ever.

Auralee slapped me.

Straight across the face, with no mercy. She started walking again, and this time, I didn’t stop her. I was angry. No, scratch that, I was pissed. Whatever, all I ever did was try to help her, and she freaking slaps me?! WHAT IS WITH THIS CONSPIRACY?! Okay, so it wasn’t a conspiracy; I just like saying that. I am through placing Mr. Nice Guy. She can do whatever the hell she wants now. I. Don’t. Give. A. Shit.

I started walking the opposite way, clutching my reddened cheek. It still stung. It stung like a bitch. And now I'm swearing. Great. Just great. This isn't supposed to be happening to me. I'm supposed to be all calm and cool and collected, not some emotional, foul mouthed teen. That's my sister. Not me.

I brought out my phone again, in hopes of it still being alive and ditching the place. But it was dead. This was the problem with nice, hi-tech phones. They die easily if you accidentally leave on app running for too long. I think that’s what happened with my phone, cause I swear I had at least half of it charged. Maybe I should have charged it over night.

I kept walking, and soon felt as if I was wandering in circles. Didn't I pass by that tree already? And hey, didn't I see that rock before? And, are those my foot prints? I really do think I'm writing in circles.

Oh great.

I sat down by a nearby tree and took a deep breath. This was going to me a long night. I don’t even know what time it is! I looked up at the sky. The moon was bright, and the stars were twinkling. It was late; very late, I'm sure. But peaceful...

Until I heard rustling from behind a bush. I panicked. What if it was a bear? Or a lion? OR! Even worse, a MURDERER?!! I was freaking out. God, I really sound like a wuss. I grabbed the nearest thing to me, a long branch, and held it up for self defense.

Then I heard an ear-piercing scream. I jumped and clutched the hard branch closer to my body. It is a murderer! And it wants to kill me! Holy shit, I haven't even said good bye to anyone yet! GOOD-BYE CRUEL WORLD! And... I'm overreacting. Great, I'm becoming a drama queen. I really should stay home more often.

The noise got louder and louder, until someone stepped out of the bush. And that someone happened to be...


"Yo," I said coolly, trying to mask my relief and giving her a two finger wave. "What are you doing here?"

Auralee jumped a bit and had a bunch of leaves all over her. She looked fine... except for the fact that she was limping all the way towards me and some blood was coming from her leg. "Hey," She huffed, "I was trying to get out of here, but I failed miserably. So here I am... I just so happened to stumble upon your presence."

I nodded. "What happened to you?"

She limped a bit away from me. "N-nothing important," She said quickly. She huffed and collapsed on the spot.

I ran over to her moved her hair out of her face. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

Auralee shook her head. I felt her forehead. She was burning up. Shit. I took off my stained leather jacket and bundled it up, placing it beneath her head. I crawled down to her leg and examined it, turning it from side to side.

"Stop!" She gasped out. 'It hurts."

I stopped moving it. It seemed to be infected. I tore off parts of my shirt and wrapped it around her wound. It was still bleeding, but this should help it stop a bit. She was shivering. Crap.

I helped her arms into the sleeves of my jacket, which was way too big for her. I put my arms beneath her back and a bit below her bum, and pulled her up into my arms. "What are you doing?" She mumbled.

"Walking; we're getting out of this place," I replied, keeping her close to me. It's not that I like her or anything, it's just that she's sick, her leg is screwed up, and she was shivering. I pitied her. "Now, hold on."

I started wandering around the woods, marking my way by making a line in the dirt with my converse, which was now getting dirty. This had better be worth it.

"You still didn't tell me what happened," I pointed out when I noticed she wasn't sleeping. She was just staring at my shirt.

"I was just walking around here thinking, and I wasn't watching my way. I'm not very coordinated, you know. So I fell and yeah," She replied. "What about you?"

I flipped my hair out of my face, "What's there to tell?"

Auralee chuckled. "I have no idea. Favourite colour?" She asked randomly.

"Gray. You?"


"Nice, favourite song?"

"All Night Dance Parties In The Underground Palace by Alesana. You?"

"Party In Your Bedroom by Cash Cash."

She laughed.

"What?" I asked, smirking a bit.

"I never pegged you for a Cash Cash fan," She said.

We continued this little game of ours for a little while until I got tired and decided to stop walking. "I'm sorry, I'm just really tired," I said.

"No problem, no problem at all..."

Then we both dozed off to sleep. Auralee hugging my neck whilst I was hugging her waist beside this big oak tree.
♠ ♠ ♠
so you've reached the end of the page !
i applaud you !
so, if you haven't noticed already, this was Aiden's point of view.
Louren, meh co-writer, writes from Auralee's point of view and I do Aiden's.
I like writing in guy pov's, but sometimes, I make them act like chicks on accident > >
i had a hard time writing this :/
i needed to plan and ask louren some details on this xD
and i made her read it.
well, i don't know if she did yet...
but she should have!
i like those songs I made auralee and aiden say (:
There's a party in your bedroom all night long; there's a lot of talk about yoooouuuu~