Status: Active :)

In the Night


Kimmie was the first to move. She jumped up from the sofa, accidentally pushing John away a lot harder than she intended, as she looked back at him watching her with confusion in his eyes. She made a mental note to apologize and explain as soon as she was back from Sarah's room.
Pushing John to the back of her mind, Kimmie rushed down the hallway of their flat to Sarah's bedroom, where she found her friend hid behind a pillow, while Gus was examining the rolled up magazine he was holding.

"What on earth were you screaming for?" Kimmie asked Sarah.

"Fucking spider! On my pillow!" she said, pointing to a pillow that looked as if it had been flung across the room. And it probably had.
Gus chuckled at Sarah, then took the page of the magazine with the now deceased spider, folded it up and threw it out of Sarah's bedroom window. Kimmie sighed in annoyance at her friend and left the room.
She returned to the communal living room of the flat to find John still on the sofa, with Kimmie's vanilla candles lit on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and two drinks in his hands.

"Sorry, Sarah's petrified of spiders," she began to explain. John smiled and shook his head. He nodded towards to the empty space on the sofa next to him. Kimmie instantly joined him and gladly accepted he drink from his hand.

Conversation flowed steadily between them for nearly an hour before the pair decided to watch a DVD. They settled on The Lost Boys and made themselves comfortable as the opening titles of the film began. Kimmie lifted her legs into the space next to her and rested her head on John's shoulder. He moved his arm around her shoulders and both stayed perfectly still and became absorbed in the film.
Sarah and Gus joined the sofa's two occupants around halfway through the film, taking up the biggest of the armchairs. Sarah made herself comfortable on Gus's lap, while Kimmie lay across John as he played with her hair.

She found it strange how relaxed she and Sarah had become around these two complete strangers, as though any thoughts of who they might be had been removed from their minds before even leaving the student union. Kimmie looked up at John, who returned the gaze, and gently kissed her forehead. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to her, and she didn't think anything of his action. She looked over at Sarah and Gus. He was putting his phone on the coffee table. His eyes snapped up to hers then away just as fast, and scared her.
His piercing blue eyes had become black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorryyyy, I've not had chance to do anythingggg since Summer!
August was so hectic, with Scotland, work, A Level results, andddd I've now moved to uni!
Okay, it's only Bradford, but still, veryyyyy stressful! Hopefully all my stories will have an update this week, I'm hoping to get them all updated today!
Don't hold me to it though.
It's Sarah's go next on this, but if I think of something to write then I'll stick another part up.
Seeing Young Guns tomorrow :) Excitedddd <3 It's been... 2 weeks.. :')
Anyway, hope this is good enough!

- Jay x