Status: =/

City Of Angels


Voices roamed through his mind. They tormented him whispering things as ahe ran through the citys alley ways. he finally came up to one of the alleys hoping it would take him out of the city. He walked up to the very end only to see a dead end.
" Pathetic..a young twenty year old warlock with barely any useful powers, got lost in one stupid city and now cant find his way out. How stupid can you get?" Frustrated witht he voices in his head that were always there he yelled and punched the brick wall, splitting thqe skin of his knuckles. Hot sticky blood ran down his hand. he cursed and walked away from the wall.

"Look at what you have done now" He grabbed onto his injurde hand and walked towards one af the nearby dumpsters. His Uninjured hand gripped tightly on his other hand qin hope to stop it from bleeding so much. The alley was dark and only a few lights flickered on and off, but wit was enough for him to shrug off his backpack and find the material and tape at the bottom of his bag. He wrapped the soft material around his fist and winced as it pulled at sowme of the skin making it bleed more. he finally taped the material together and put both material and tape back into his bag. Carefully shrugging it onto one of his shoulders.
"The material wont last long, you warlocks tend to bleed alot.." Furious he walked away from the dead end. Although the alley was farily dark he found his way back out to the shining lights of the city. The city lights shun brighter than the sun and the cabs sped along the busy road maksing the place smell like ciggerette smoke and petrol. All around him people were yelling out for cabs on talking into their phones. He ran his hand through his jet black hair, which he had streaked blood red.
"stop standing there doing nothing..idiot..shes just outside of the city..catch one of the stupid yellow things" He stopped running his hand through his hair and raised it in the air. Three cabs stopped and he got in one of the closest.
" twenty first and forth" he mumbled to the driver as he got in.The cab smelt like ciggerette, just like every other cab in this god forsaken city. The driver looked at him through the rearview mirror and did a double take as he saw his black hair red stripes and sea blue eyes.

"Mate, You sure you wanna go there? Its said wto be haunted" The Driver took a puff out of his ciggerette. He handed the cabbie a twenty dollar note.
"Twenty first and fourth it is..." he sighed and stepped on the gas. The driver was quiet he mainly just smoked his ciggerette. The cab drove past all of the tall buildings in the city and sooner than later they started to dim as they neared the out post of the city. He fidgeted with the material around his fis. Getting bored he looked down at the cabs clock it said Eleven fifty, not trusting the clock he peered outside to see the full moon in high positioning. It was ten fifty five.
" Here we are then.." the driver seemed nervous. He got out of the cab and leaned towards the drivers window. He peered at the man who seemed to be in his early thirties with a young wife at home with a new born use in killing him.
"Weak warlock.." the voices spat at him which he ignored
"Thanks...and keep the change with this job you will need it" and handed the driver a fifty dollar note. The cabbie sputtered words and drove off. He looked around at his surroundings, he was outside a little cottage surrounded by a metal fence The place smelt unhibbitied.
" Just go in you fool! you didnt come all this way to turn back around again". He shook his head trying to get rid of the voices in his head and walked up towards the gate. He pushed against the gates door with his uninjured hand and heard it squeak loudly as it opened. Up at the house something flickered. Curious he made his way up the stony path towards the door and knocked lightly on the wooden door. Waiting for an answeer he looked up at the hour until midnight, there was going to be a problem. Suddenly the door creaked open, an old woman with greying hair peered out the door.
"Yes young man what do you want? " He looked at her more closely and saw her eyes were a bright green and she smelt strongly of glamour.
"Tammy..." he breathed out in relief. The air around the old woman seemed to shimmer and in her place was a young woman with golden hair that went down to her mid back, she was grinning.

"Hello Sean" he grinned back at her and felt a sudden pain in his stomach.. he had to do this quickly or he would disappear.Tammy held out her hand for him to hold, there must be a protection spell on the cottage. Sean looked down at her hand and grabbed it with slight hestitaion as she pulled him in towards the dining room inside the cottage.
"Shes right infront of you!! Kill her" Sean felt the need to ignore the voices that screamed in his head.
" So what brings you here?" she asked as she put water into a kettle and set it to boil.
"You Know why.." Suddenly exhausted he sat down in one of the chairs that surrounded the small table. Now looking around the small cottage Felix realised that the place with very bright and colourful. The rugs were bright green like the fresh grass in a meadow and the curtains were sky blue. The place was very...clean, not at all surprising he thought to himself..Tammy was a neat freak. Sean's thoughts began to drift away when he felt something touch his bandaged wrist. Looking up from the curtains he saw Tammys manicured fingers tracing the bumps of his knuckles.
"How did you do this?" Concern ran through her sweet melodic voice.
"Dont change thhe subject" he said through gritted teeth. She smiled thinly.
"You Never were one for simple talk..always straightforward with your conversations i guess that's why--" The kettle beeped, Tammy stopped tracing his knuckles sat up and began to pour the water into two china cups, she brought over two cups of what seemed to be tea and put a cup infront of him. He picked it up, sniffed it and put it down slowly.
" So tell me everything right from the start" she raised a pinky finger and traced it around the cup before blowing on it and taking a sip.
" Kill her now!! You weak warlock!!" the voices screamed again. She looked at him her bright eyes searching his.
"Well...." He grabbed his cup of tea and took a quick sip before putting it down again.
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Okayy, Uhm.... This is a new story.. i dont know whether i should go on or not.... =/

Please comment What you think :)