my story 1

Chapter 1

“Purple rain, Purple cabin, Purple Mountain” they say sitting in the back of math class
Trying to make me mad.
I sit there acting as if I don’t hear them, but wishing I had a bloody knife in my hand, and
Blood all over my arm.
The next thing I know the bell rings I walk in silence to my locker and exchanges books
And turns around just in time to see Allie walk up.
“Hi” Allie said cheerfully as she moves her books to her other hand.
“Hi” I said grabbing her hand
We walk down the hall in silence. When we got to her room we exchanged byes and she
Walked on and sat down as I kept walking wishing she was still there holding my hand.
I waked into health class and took my seat and pulled out my color pencils and started to
“Ben do you have a pencil I can borrow”
“Yea” Ben said handing me a pencil
I started drawing random things as I normally do
But than I started drawing my feelings once again. When I draw my feelings my hand
Goes wild and loses control, the next thing I know I drew an eye crying blood, and a couple holding hands walking away leaving a trail of blood behind from the wrists.
I picked up a color pencil and start shading in my pictures.
“Thanks” I said to Ben handing him back his pencil.
“Yep” he said taking his pencil.
I gathered my books as the bell rang. I hurried to my locker putting in my books and
Taking out my book bag and closing the locked behind.
I walked to Allie’s locker as she was putting her books in.
“Hi” I said leaning up against the wall.
“Hello” Allie said looking up at me smiling,
She pulls out her book bag zipping it up.
We start walking as I grabbed her hand. She stats talking about her day as I listen.
We got outside to her bus and hug for a minute.
“I love you” I said into her ear
“I love you too” she said back to me smiling
We kissed and I went walking to my bus smiling.
I got on the bus to notice the seats are almost filled up so I quickly grab one while
Grabbing out my CD played and shoving the headphones into my ear I push play
And nearly having a heart attack as “Knives and Pens” blares into my ear.
As the bus comes to a sudden stop I get off and walk in my house in silence and go up
Stairs and put my drawings in the folder with the other hundred drawings.
Out of nowhere my phone starts ringing. I look at my phone and see that allie is calling
Me and immediately answer.
“Hi” I said happy to hear her voice.
“Hi” I heard allie said
“I was just about to call you” I said as I was lying in my bed
“Well I guess you were to slow”
“I guess so” I said half laughing
“Can I call u back I was just bout to do my homework?” I said knowing I didn’t have
“Yea that’s fine” allie said worried
“I love you, bye” I said smiling
“I love you too, bye”
I hung up and shoved the phone into my pocket.

I open a drawer and pull out a bloody knife and close the drawer
I sit on my bed with the knife to my wrist biting my lip as I pull it along my wrist
Watching the blood ooze out of the freshly open cut.
“Purple Rain, Purple Cabin, Purple Mountain” I muttered under my breath
“I hope you guys are enjoying this”
I run it across my wrist a couple more times.
I finish reliving my pain and open the drawer to put the knife away and sees a picture of
Allie, and places the knife next to it, and stands there staring at both of them as the blood drips off my hand onto the floor.
I climb into bed pulling the cover over my face and lays there in silence thinking about
What I just did and how much I just hurt Allie.
I start to cry as I fall asleep.