my story 1

Chapter 2

I wake up to my phone ringing and without seeing who it is I answer it
“Hello?” I said as a question
“Hi, how come you didn’t call me back” she asked.
“Sorry I fell asleep” I said noticing my arm covered in dry blood
“For seven hours” she said
“Yea I guess so, sorry” I said looking at my clock reading 10:31
”I didn’t mean to it just happened”
“It’s ok” she said
“Are you sure?”
“Yea”Allie said
“Can I call u back in like five minutes I have to clean up my mess” I said getting out of
“I guess but don’t forget” she said
“I wont, bye”
I picked up a hoodie and put it on to cover the dry blood and headed to the bathroom
Closing the door behind me.
I sit on the toilet.
“Why Denver, why do you still do this”
I pull out the peroxide and pour it over my arm while biting my lip.
I wipe my arm off and head back up stairs to climb into bed and fall asleep.
“Everything’s your fault” I hear my mom say
“No your just to stupid to see it’s your fault” my dad yells
“No wonder no one likes being around you” my dad yells
“Whys that?” my mom yells in question
“Because you’re a little bitch that has to have everything your way or you get pissed off”
My dad yells
I get up and turn on my light and grab my book bag and quickly empties it and
Fills it with clothes and with the little bit of food I had in my room. I open my window feeling a sudden rush of chills down my back as I take in a big breath of fresh air. I throw my book bag out and puts on a coat and climbs out the window closing it behind me.
As I walk down the silent pitch black road I remembered I for got to call Allie back. So I
Pull out my phone and quickly dials her number.
“Hello” I hear allie say
“Hi, sorry I forgot to call you back” I said
“It’s only been 15 minutes”
“Really” I said in shock
“Yea” she said
We didn’t say anything as I kept walking down the silent pitch-black road
“Can you make sure your phone is charged for tomorrow please?” I said
“Why?” she questioned me
“Just because, I’ll explain tomorrow” I said
“Ok?” she said as a question
“And could you bring me a cup of hot chocolate tomorrow please” I asked allie as I was
Turning around to see a car heading in my direction and than I notice it was a cop car as he flipped on his lights.
“What’s going on Denver” Allie asked me
“I got to go, I’ll call you back later, I love you bye” I hung up without giving her a
Chance to answer.