my story 1

Chapter 5

“We better get up and dressed before your parents get home” I said
“Yeah “ she said bummed
We got up and got dressed and I grabbed my coat and headed downstairs and ordered a
“You forgot this upstairs” she said handing me the envelope
“What is it?” Allie asked
“I don’t know” I said as I opened the envelope
We looked inside to see $5000 dollars inside.
“Where did you get that?” allie asked
“My parents left it for me” I said confused
“Why?” Allie asked
“Ummm……….because they felt like it,” I said
“No they didn’t, tell me why?” She asked
“Because they kicked me out” I said
“Where are you going to stay?” Allie asked
“Well it looks like I’m going to stay on different friends couches” I said
“You can’t live like that” she said
“I’m going to have to till I get a job” I said
“Well I can talk to my parents about you staying here.” She said as she walked over to
The couch and sat down.
“I’m not going to live on your couch” I said
“We could turn the excerise room into a bedroom.” She said as she patted the couch next
To her wanting me to sit next to her.
“No I don’t want you guys going through that trouble.” I said
“Well nobody uses it and they have been wanting to sell everything in there and now is a
Good reason to do it.” She said leaning against me holding my hand
“Well I guess you could try but don’t mention the money” I said
The door bell rang and I answered the door and took the pizza into the kitchen where allie
Was waiting for me I sat a crossed the table from allie putting three slices of pizza on each plate.
“How come you didn’t tell me your dad beats you?” she asked
“Well…….. Because I didn’t want you to worry about me” I said playing with my pizza
She didn’t say anything back.
We finished eating and we were sitting at the table. I walked around pulled her chair out
And picked her up and carried her into the living room and sat her on the couch. I put in a movie and sat down next to her.
We got up and laided down as I put my arms around her. We fell asleep.
I woke up surprised to see it was morning. I got up as carefully as possible so I didn’t
Wake Allie up.
Mr. Hawthorne came in a few minutes later and got a bowl of cereal.
“Can you help me carry some exercise equipment to my truck today?” he asked
“What for?” I asked
“Because i'm sure you don’t want to sleep on them” he said back
I didn’t say anything back. I finished my cereal and got up to see if allie was still
I walked in the living room to see an empty couch. I walked up stairs and knocked on
Allies door.
“Hang on” allie yelled
I didn’t listen and walked in. as she turned around really fast as I shut the door.
I walked to her and gave her a big hug and kiss
“Thank you” I said
“For what?” she asked
“For talking to your parents” I said
I kissed allie again and walked out closing the door behind me.
I walked in the kitchen as Mr. Hawthorne got up
“you ready?” he asked
“yeah” I said
It took us three hours until we were done.
We got back to an empty house. Mr. Hawthorne took a shower and was getting ready for
“can you drop me off at the store?” I asked
“yeah what for?” he asked me
“I’m going to make dinner tonight because Allie and I have been together for two years today” I said
“wow it’s been that long” he said surprised
“yeah it doesn’t seem like it” I said picturing the day I asked allie out it was Friday and
she said she wanted to get to know me better so the next two weeks we spent a lot of time talking then on Thursday around 6:30 we were talking and I asked her out again and she said yes, that as the best day of my life.