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Being Melody

The Begining

Dear People Of The World Wide Web,

Hi! My name is Melody Bullet and this is my story.

A couple weeks ago I decided that it would be a good idea to start an online blog. Why? You ask, one reason actually. No one understands me like at all. Everyone calls me "Melody with the times". Its the dumbest nick name ever.

Just because I like to change my style when something new and interesting comes out doesn't mean anything.... does it? I want to show everyone, including everyone here on this blog that I can change. I wouldn't exactly call this a journal, more like an account of how not everyone is who they say they are and people can change.

I'm done with everyone seeing me as "Melody with the times". I'm going to write in my blog everyday, with events and such about how I'm changing into just me. I've spent all summer earning money so I could throw out my old wardrobe and buy a brand new one.

I earned $2,000... or well most of it.... or half.. or well Nana gave me $1500 but I earned $500 and for me that's pretty great! I promise to keep everyone informed, any questions or comments you might have for me please don't be afraid to ask ( it's all apart of my don't be a wimp thing I'm trying to do.)

So tomorrow I'm going with my best friend Adam to the mall. It's still considered the summer so I still get my dad's Jeep. We had a deal you see, I get the Jeep for Summer but I have to drive the Honda my parents don't use anymore during the school year.

I have a week left before I have to go back, then I get to prove to everyone I'm not just "Melody with the times", I can show them who I really am. That's it for now, I'll log back in tomorrow with updates!

This is Being Melody...

♪Peace and Harmony♪,

Melody Bullet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay So I was thinking about this story so tell me how you feel, I'm going to keep up on my other stories so don't worry! Comment Subscribe etc...

Dorry lee♥