Status: Finished x)

Let´s kill someone

An idea

Matthew was leaning against the wall and watching his sister Amy patting with her fingers against the table and stare into the ceiling. It was dark outside since it was past midnight and no sounds came from the streets. Regardless the patting , he was calm and collected, like he had always been. When they were little, he found himself in a lot of troubles due to his long tounge and a sarcastic attitude but he always remained careless and cool calm. People always found him rather cold because of that …
He was deep in thoughts when Amy finaly spoke.

˝ Im fucking bored ˝ she stated.

Matthew yawned.

˝ Me too ˝

˝ Lets do something fun ˝ she said.

˝ Like what ? ˝ he asked, full of doubt.

A sheepish grin crawled on Amy´s face and she suddenly got that crazy glint in her eyes when she whispered

˝ Let´s kill someone ˝

Matthew closed his eyes and sighed. She always had crazy ideas like that when she was bored. And he knew she never let them go.No matter what he did to persuade her, she always got what she wanted. But this was to much. Killing someone …
That was the worst idea she ever got. What if they got caught. What if he would be thrown in jail. And first of all, who would they kill.
But when he thought it through, he had to admit that that would feel pretty good. And honestly, if he would go to jail, it would not be much better than that dump they live in now. It would actually be an improvement. Since his carreer got down the dumps, his life has been nothing but shit. He had to live with his crazy sister. They´re parents didn´t want to put up with her anymore. She was getting in all kinds of troubles. She was drunk all the time, heck, she even did drugs …
He went through all of the reasons for, and all of the reasons against this idea. Then he decided.
He opened his eyes and nodded.

˝ Let´s do it sis ˝
♠ ♠ ♠
~ Ok this is for a contest where I had to pick a number and I got M.Shadows to write about. That´s why people here are probably waaay of character ... Couse I don´t really know who M.Shadows is ... I just googled it x)
Ohh and really sory if there are any mistakes ... I looked it through a couple of times but there is still a chance I missed some mistakes. ~