‹ Prequel: Why Me?

The Screams Have Ended

Grandparent # 4 & 5, Aunt # 1

~Gustav‘s POV~

I parked in front of the house, got out the car then got Jeeremy out of his car seat and into the baby carrier.

“Let’s go see how surprised they‘ll be once they see you.” I said and set him beside the door out of sight.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

“Juschtel!” Francesca engulfed me in a hug using her nickname for me.

“That‘s not as embarrassing as it used to be.” I said pulling away from here.

“Come on in.” she said rolling her eyes.

“Wait, I have to tell you something.” I said stopping her.

“Dad.” she said.

“What?” I asked confused. Where did that come from?

“You’re a dad.”

“How did you know that?” I asked shocked out of my mind.

“Well unless someone left another baby on our doorstep, he‘s with you.” She said pointing to the baby carrier and was about to walk in the house. “Oh and D.B. called a while ago and told us.”

I stood there shocked for a minute then looked down at Jeeremy, “Its seems like everyone knew about you except me.” he just smiled and reached a hand out for me.

I smiled, picked up the carrier and walked into the house. “I was not left on the doorstep you know we‘re blood family.” I said glaring at the back of her head.

“Your right we found you in the trash. Dad, it’s a boy! Pay up!” Fran shouted and sat in the living room.

“What are you talking about?” I asked sitting next to her setting the baby carrier in front of me on the coffee table.

“He looks just like you when you were a baby.” I looked behind to see Dad leaning over the back of the couch.

“Hey! Don‘t change the subject, hand over the forty five Euros.” Fran said holding out her hand to Dad.

“When did you become such a demanding little girl?” Dad asked taking out the money from his wallet.

“When I got my first period.” she said counting the money.

“Forget I ever asked.” Dad said shaking his head put his wallet away.

“Here you go Juschtel, ten Euros.” Fran said handing me the money.

“For what?” I asked.

She shrugged, “For helping D.B. make the boy and helping me win.” she said.

“Thanks Fran.” I said shaking my head and but the ten Euros in my pocket.

“What‘s his name?” Fran asked.

“Jeeremy. D.B. named him.” I said smiling sadly. I should have been there.

“Juschtel, how old is he?” Dad asked watching as Fran took Jeeremy out of the carrier and held him.

“Three months.” I said fixing his clothes a bit.

“And such a cutie. I‘m your Aunt Fran, I’m going to be the one who spoils you rotten and steals you away from your mutter and vati to show you off to my friends and tell them what a handsome nephew I have.” she cooed to him.

“Where is D.B. anyway, Juschtel?” Dad asked coming around the side of the couch to sit next to Fran.

“She’s taking care of business in Russia.” I said taking my son from my sister.

“Oh right, she and Verna have a fashion company there right?” Fran asked taking Jeeremy’s hand.

“Yeah, how did you know?” I asked.

“I was on my date and I saw this new place called DGV, so I decided to check it out and I saw D.B. and Verna’s picture in the store.” she said taking Jeeremy again and handed him to Dad. “Awesome clothes, now I only buy my clothes from there. And I recommended to it some of my friends, so I got your wife some more business.”

“Hm. I might have to check that out.” I said and watched as Dad held Jeremy in the air making different noises.

“He‘s going to love the air.” Dad said handing Jeeremy back to me.

“Well that’s weird. D.B. hates flying and I just try to forget I’m on the plane.” I said holding Jeremy up and smiled as he giggled with happiness.

“Where‘s Mom?” I asked nonchalantly.

Mom and I weren’t exactly on speaking terms since what she said to D.B. and wouldn’t come to our wedding or even let Fran attend for that matter.

“I‘m back!” Speak of the devil. “I couldn‘t find any of that shampoo you liked so I got…”

Mom trailed off and stared at me holding Jeeremy who seemed to be uncomfortable with the tense silence because he started squirming and whimpering.

“She was telling the truth.” she mumbled.
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This chapter goes out to my favorite member of Tokio Hotel, Gustav Schäfer! Happy Birthday!