‹ Prequel: Why Me?

The Screams Have Ended

In The Mean Time

“How’s your mother?” he asked causing me to stop mid step.

I slowly turned back towards him and glared, “Why would you care? You left remember?”

“Only because she wouldn‘t let me see you.” he said in weak defense.

I scoffed rolling my eyes, “Because you were an abusive prick!” I shouted through clenched teeth.

“I was teaching you discipline.” he said firmly.

“Well guess what?”


“I‘m married. And when I become a dad, I‘m never gonna lay hand on them unless to show affection which you are completely void of!”

“Your lying.” he said narrowing his eyes at me.

“Whatever, I have to call my WIFE and tell her we‘re on our way back.” I said taking out my phone.

“Are the rest of the guys married?” he asked.

“Bill and Gustav are.” I said dialing Verna’s number.

“Did Bill marry a woman?” he asked seriously.

“Of course and he has two children.” I said rolling my eyes.

“I still don‘t believe you.” he said rolling his eyes.

“I don‘t care.” I said rolling my eyes back and put the phone to my ear.

“Hey babe.” I said smiling forgetting my father was standing just a few feet from me.

“Georg when are you coming home?” she asked.

“We‘ll be there in an half an hour, okay?” I said.

“Great, I have a surprise for you when you get home.”

Buy the tone of her voice I could tell it wasn’t a usual sexy surprise that leaves us immobile for a few hours until we start up again.

“Can‘t wait.” I said happily.

“I love you.”

I smiled, “I love you, too.”

I hung up and finally remembered my father.

I looked at him to see him looking surprised.

“You're serious?” he asked and I nodded.

“Well uh congratulations.” he said and walked away.

“What did he say?” I turned and saw the guys standing behind me now.

“He said I was lying when I told him we were married. Then he asked if you married a woman.”

“I would‘ve said the same thing.” Tom said.

“And you’re the one that experimented at camp.” Bill mumbled. My eyebrows rose at that comment.

“I‘m not the one who lost my virginity to a prostitute.” Tom retorted.

I fee a twin fight coming on.

~D.B.’s POV~

“Georg finally comes home today.” Verna said sighing. She was due in two months and she is huge! “Who ever came up with the idea for them to have a six month tour, is trying to get themselves killed”

I nodded. ‘How do you think he’s gonna take the news?’

“I don’t know. Maybe he‘ll be pissed or ecstatic. How do think Gustav‘s gonna take the news?” she asked throwing the full written on paper in the garbage.

‘I don’t know. I didn’t know if I should have told him but he would have canceled then what if he came home just to have me die like I could have.’ I said watching Jeeremy stare oddly at some stuffed animals.

“Well you and Jeeremy are alive and well so Gustav doesn’t have to come home to a funeral.” Verna looked at her vibrating phone, “Georg just called me, they‘ll be here in an half an hour.”

I nodded and reached for Jeeremy. He smiled at me and I put him over my shoulder making sure to put a towel there so I don’t get baby vomit on my shirt.

“You want to take some pictures of him in the mean time?” Verna asked grabbing my camera for me.

I nodded and brought Jeeremy to the back yard.