‹ Prequel: Why Me?

The Screams Have Ended

Verna & Georg’s Special Surprise

“Alright the rest you have to stay out here.” I gave Gustav a quick kiss and kissed Jeeremy on the top of his head before I followed Verna and Georg into the delivery room.

~Gustav‘s POV~

“Did she have the babies yet?” I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Relia and Lenuta rush over to us.

“We don‘t know.” Bill said hugging Relia.

“We left Ritter and Daci at D.B.’s aunts house.” Lenuta said as she walked over and hugged Tom.

“Lenny can I talk to you for minute?” he asked.

She nodded and they went outside to talk. I hope he’s finally gonna grow some balls and ask her to be his girlfriend.

It was five and a half hours later that D.B. came out with a big smile on her face.

“What are they?” Bill asked taking Relia‘s hand and walked over to D.B.

“Can we go see them?” Tom asked as soon as he and Lenuta returned from their own private chat.

“Is Verna okay?” I asked. I will never experience child birth and I’m pretty damn sure it’s the most painful thing to experience.

She just motioned for us to come with her. We followed her to Verna’s room and saw her lying there with three babies next to her.

“They‘re beautiful.” Relia said leaning over and hugged Verna.

“I thought you were having twins.” Tom said.

“Yeah, so did I but Carla came as a surprise.” Verna said rubbing, who I guessed to be, Carla’s face.

“They are so cute!” we all looked at Lenuta who was practically vibrating on the spot with excitement.

“Yeah except they look like Georg.” Tom said earning a glare from Verna who I’m sure is going to get him back later.

Wait, where is Georg any way?

“Where‘s Georg?” I asked Verna looking around the room not seeing the new father anywhere in sight.

“There.” Verna said pointing to the floor on the opposite side of the bed.

Bill, Tom and I all looked at the unconscious Georg sprawled out on the floor and started laughing our heads off.

“He fainted when he saw Georg Jr. come out. Well he squealed like a little girl first THEN fainted.”

Oh man, he is going hear it from us as soon as he wakes up.

~D.B.’s POV~

I sat in the chair next to Verna’s bed and just watched in amusement as everyone passed around the triplets.

“You okay, you seem a little distracted.” Gustav asked sitting next to me with our unconscious son in his arms.

I shook my head.

I was thinking about what Verna told me after the triplets were born.

She offered to actually give me one of her children! And said Georg didn’t mind at all either.

How could I possibly take one of her children?!

She really has to get over the whole guilt thing. It was out of her control and I’ll take one of her children when hell freezes over and when Lenuta and Relia stop being allergic to grapes. And when I stop being from Russia.


“Alright boys, you have to leave. I have to feed my babies.” Verna said waving the guys away.

“See ya!” Tom said immediately leaving the room.

“We‘re gonna go pick up the kids, alright?” Bill said kissing Relia.

“Fine with me, you don‘t need my permission. You’re a big boy.” Relia said patting Bill on the ass.

Gustav shook his head, placed Jeeremy in my arms and kissed us both.

“So which two are you gonna feed first, you only have two boobs. Have you ever thought about getting three?” Relia asked looking at the triplets to Verna then back again.

“Alina, manners.” Lenuta said shaking her head at Relia.

“You ever noticed how white hospitals are?” Relia asked looking around.

“Yeah, they‘re like sterile twenty four seven.” Lenuta said.

They drifted off into a conversation about everything that’s white then into one about caterpillars. How? I don’t know.

Wow, short attention spans.

~Georg‘s POV~

I awoke with a massive headache. I groaned and opened my eyes finding myself on a bed instead of the hard floor I landed on.

“So you’re awake. Are you okay?”

I turned to my left to see Verna lying in the bed next to mine. I immediately got up and went to her.

“I‘m sorry. Did everything go okay? Are you okay? Are the twins okay? Where are they?” I asked all in one breathe.

Verna smiled and took my hand. “It’s alright. I’m fine. Everything went great except…”

I furrowed my eyebrows immediately getting worried, “Except what?”

“Except we didn‘t have twins…we had triplets.” she said; her eyes searched my eyes for a reaction.

I sighed with relief and smiled, “That’s all; I thought it was something bad.”

“So you’re okay with it?” she asked.

I looked at her confused, “Of course. My first unintentional try at getting you pregnant and I got three. As far as I‘m concerned I hit the jackpot.”

She smiled, “I love you. I hope you’re up for more.” she said smiling at me.

I smiled back, “I hope you’re up for more.”
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Sorry i haven't updated in soooooo long but i've been have a lot of problem with my computer and the internet but its okay now so i'll be able to update regularly again.