Saving Harlow

When It Rains

Rain pounded against the window pane while Harlow laid across the love seat of her one bedroom apartment. She wiped away the few remaining tears and let her mind rewind the contents of the past few hours like an old cassette tape.

"What the fuck is this, Harlow?!" Adam shouted, storming from the bedroom with a neon orange bottle of prescription pills.
"Where did you find those?" Harlow questioned, dashing across the room to rip them from her boyfriend's grasp.
"In your purse." Adam swiftly moved the bottle of morphine behind his back, trying desperately to stay calm. "Right under my fucking nose"
"You don't.. You don't understand, Adam" Harlow argued.
"I don't understand? Harlow, you promised me you were done. Of all the rotten shit you do, you told me this was the one thing you would quit for me. You can't even do that. I'm not even worth that much to you!" he shouted, now pacing the living room.
"Adam, please try to understand. It's not easy." Harlow pleaded, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks.
"Neither is being with you." Adam snarled, tossing the bottle at Harlow, snatching the keys off of the coffee table and hastily making his way out the door.
The only sounds left in the apartment were Harlow's heavy breaths as she sobbed, and the quick screeching of Adams tires as he pealed out of the drive way.

The tears began again as quickly as they had subsided. Harlow's head ached and as much as she wanted to sleep, there was just no way. She made her way to the bathroom and turned on the tap, waiting for the water to warm. She shed her clothes and stepped into the shower letting the hot water soothe her. Once the water had run cold she stepped out and dried off, slipping on a pair of gym shorts, and one of Adam's t-shirts. Harlow slid into bed alone, letting the pouring rain fill the void of a lullaby, usually Adam's soft snores, but not tonight.
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Should I continue writing?