Cross my Memories

Chapter 1

Riley sighed, today had not been a good day. His short, cropped black hair fell over his left eye as he stared at his converse shoes in sadness. Amanda had dumped him. Again. All because he seemed to be 'too emo'. It wasn't Riley's fault that he just loved black. It wasn't Riley's fault that he wore many skull necklaces and had a few piercings. ...It was who Riley was after-all.

Of course, that should have been obvious from first sight after-all. I mean, if you cant accept someone physically then why even go out with him? He thought bitterly. Why hold their hand? Why kiss their cheek? Why embrace them? Why? His hands balled into fists as he felt a wave of emotion hit him. Sadness. Loneliness. Envy and oddly - relief. At least he wouldn't have to put up with her 'im-better-than-you' attitude any-more. Or have to watch her strut around the corridors like she owned the place... Or even hold her back when she got too much and started another fight. ...To hold her close and breathe in her sweet scent of lavender. To hold her fragile form against his own and just...

Riley frowned as he felt his chest ache. Damn, he thought. Riley started to realise just how upset he truly was. He kicked at the gravel that surrounded him as thoughts swirled and his mind raced and as he finally realised that... He didn't think he could live without her. It may have sounded sentimental. It may have also sounded stupid. But... The thought of her long blonde hair, and her bright-blue shining eyes – the thought of being away from all that was just, heart-breaking. Like the fight earlier, he mentally added. With the flying books and the sharpened words. What had he gotten himself into? It would have been better if he had just studied and got through college. He should have just ignored his emotions and focused on his studies.. Then he could have gotten a lovely job and let that be the basis of the rest of his life and then he should have started to focus on family and maybe even children.. But, what had he gotten himself into?

Riley leant forward. His shoulders hunched as he stared into the ground. His fragile form much resembled a stick in a forest. This wasn't through malnutrition or anything – Riley just had an interesting metabolism. Yet another great thing about me, he thought sardonically. How did he end up here? Sitting on the train-tracks? ...He might as-well of been waiting for a train. The thought struck him sharply as it momentarily relieved him of breath. A train-track. Sitting on a train-track.. He thought sickly. Waiting for a train. Was he waiting for a train? Riley thought about it. Maybe he was. Subconsciously. Maybe he was like the cat – crawling away with the broken tail, looking for a place to die. Oh, what a cheery thought, he mused. Disdain carpeted his face as he thought about what he was doing, and of what he had done.

He shouldn't have given in so easily. He should of argued the point with her and fought his side of the argument. Maybe, she should be the one at the train-tracks – waiting for the train. He thought – immediately annoyed with himself for the thought process. Riley sighed – as his body shook slightly. It was cold. It was so very cold. His hair whipped around his face with a violent protest – like it willed to be free. To be free...

Riley shakily rose to his feet. His legs groaned in protest as the weight of his own body seemed to be too much. Riley resorted to a self-embrace, an attempt to keep himself warm.

Suddenly, the heavens opened. Rain poured from the sky. It drowned out the wind yet it aided the assault on Riley's slightly prone human form. He stumbled. The sudden torrent overwhelmed him as he fell and landed awkwardly on the tracks. Riley's ankle twisted in a unique manner as he managed to send a storm of gravel wildly about. Slightly dazed Riley righted himself. His body ached in protest. He just wanted to be in the warm, in-front of a lovely cosy fire, and he just wanted everything in the world to be right. Not too much to ask, right?

A bright light dazzled Riley – as he saw plumes of smoke in the distance. Was that a train? He thought, his mind slowly shut-down as his body started to become numb – emotions shutting down. Body bracing for the inevitable impact. Memory fogging – so he wouldn't know what was happening. Riley stared. Immobile. As the train got closer and closer... Was this the end? Was he going to die?

He didn't want to die.