Have A Little Faith In Me

A New Friend, an Old Foe

"I've always thought the left was your strongest side." Time By Cute is What We Aim For

Thankfully the bell rang after William finished. I grabbed my books and started to get up. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the scene boy start to make his way over to me. Beckett must have noticed too due to the fact, he threw his arm around me and said, "C'mon baby. Let's go to next hour." I also noticed the glare he sent to the boy. I looked over at him and noticed he had turned around and started to walk out of the classroom. "Why did you do that for arse?" "I thought I made it clear earlier. You. Are. Mine."

I pushed his arm off my shoulder and began to walk out to the hallways. "You're delusional Beckett." I knew he would be following me, trying to get a hold of my arm or hand or something. I quickened my step and heard a few footsteps behind me quicken as well. I was suddenly grabbed by the arm and spun around and met the glares of two boys I didn't recognize.

"Thanks Sisky, Thanks Mike." "No Problem Bill." "Now listen sweety, baby, we're gonna have to play by my rules now because well frankly, what you're doing right now. Well it isn't helping you out any." "Oh yea, well then please enlighten me with what I can do to better suit YOUR needs Beckett." "Get on your knees." "Excuse me?" "I said, get on your knees." "& May I ask why you want to get on my knees in the middle of the hallway. Because I sure as hell am not, nor will I have give you..."

I was cut off with getting shoved to the ground. "Now now boys, no need to be rough with my girl." "I'm not your girl" "Zip it. Listen and listen good ok? You my dear Lexi are my girl. If I see you hanging out with anyone that I do not approve of, I will ruin their lives. If I see you with any male, that is not myself, my boys here, the teachers, or your loved ones. I will fuck them up. Got it? Hell you mess with me, I rule this school baby girl, I can get you failing grades in everyone of your classes in a blink of an eye. I can have the whole volleyball team beat the shit out of you. Don't test me because you REALLY won't like it. Got it?" He ended his speech with a nastiest glare I've ever seen.

"Ye...Yea..I do." I shamefully looked at my boots. "Good baby, because I would honestly hate to mess up that pretty face of yours." He lifted my chin up, "Now chin up, we're ditching." "Beckett..I mean William, I can't, its my first day. My parents will kill me." "Fine, I'll walk you to class and I'll meet you outside of it before lunch ok?" "Yea.., thank you." "Oh I'd do anything for my girlfriend." I flinched a little when the words left his lips. Girlfriend? Honestly? I mean, come on, this boy just threatened my life, and the lives of others and he thinks he can just call me his girlfriend?

"This is it Lexi, Sisky is in this class too, so he'll watch over you." "Thank you William." "Sisky, remember what I told you earlier." "I got it Bill." Sisky & I both walked into the classroom not even getting a glance from the teacher. He must be use to this from Sisky. "Now Mr. Siska, you know better then to let your little girlfriend just stroll into class with you." "Yeayea, I know." "Then care to explain?" "Oh, well this is Beckett's girl & she's new soo I'm showing her what an amazing class this is." "Hardy har har, now what is your name?" "Alexis Asher." "Ms. Asher please take a seat next to Mr. Siska & we'll get down to business."

We sat down and I began to take notes, I glanced over and noticed Sisky just kind of spacing.
"Psst, hey Alexis." I turned around to meet a girl with black hair and a nose ring. I quickly held up my finger & leaned into Sisky's ear. "Can I talk to her?" He glanced back and shook his head. "Why is that?" "Bill doesn't like her. So that's a no with you talking to her." "Whatever," I turned back around," Hey, what's up?" "Eh, not to much just trying not to fall asleep. I'm Hanna Beth by the way." "Nice to meet you Hanna." "What's your schedule?" I quickly handed it over to her. "Damn, we only have this class and art together, but don't worry, we'll have so much fun in art." "ha ha, whys that?" I quickly glanced over at Sisky and saw his phone lighting up. I knew he had texted William.

I quickly turned back around and wrote my number on the corner of her paper. "Here, that's my number text me, because I have a feeling William's gonna be coming for me soon." "Gotcha" I turned back around and continued to write notes & heard a shuffling behind me. Hanna had moved seats to a few rows back. I gave her a quick smile and turned to face the front.

I heard a loud knock against the door. I lifted my head to meet a glare coming from those familiar brown eyes. "Ah, Mr. Beckett, disturbing my class already?" "I need my girlfriend." "Who would that be? As you can see we're a tad busy taking notes." "I need Alexis Asher," giving the teacher a glare. "Yes, yes right away. Ms. Asher? Please follow him out." I quickly grabbed all of my stuff and made sure to hit Sisky with my books on the way out.

As soon as the door slammed shut I knew I was in trouble.
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Comments, I could use some feedback