Have A Little Faith In Me

Fights And Getaways

"Green eyes, Blue Skies, Natural Disasters when she cries." -Time by Cute Is What We Aim For

"Quick question for you?" I turned and glanced over at William. "Yea?" "Did you honestly not believe me, when I told you what I said earlier? Did you not think I wouldn't go through with my word?" "Well I just wanted a friend." I glanced down at my feet. "Baby, I'm the only friend you'll need why you're here." 'That's not true.' I thought. "What did you just say?" Oh crap, did I say that out loud? "Um, William, I'll need at least one friend that's a girl. I mean, I have to make someone jealous don't I?" I shoved him against the locker and pushed myself against him. "I mean, who wouldn't be jealous that I, have THEE hottest guy at Barrington High. I would love to shove that into someone's face. I mean, especially someone you hate so much." I could sense everything processed in his mind when the smirk returned to his face.
"Lexi, I think I can handle you being friends with Hanna, however, I don't think I can handle my girl being alone with anyone else. I can't share you with everyone." "I'm all yours then William." I heard the end of class bell ring, and William took my hand. "Let's head to lunch." We met up with Sisky & Mike and a few other guys. I got on my tip toes and whispered in his ear, "Aren't there any girls in your group of friends?" "Nope. Sorry love but, you're stuck with us."
I put my head down and suddenly felt my purse start to vibrate. I quickly roamed around my purse and pulled out my sidekick. One new message.

I opened the message and saw it was from Hanna, I quickly replied back to her without William looking. "Who was it babe?" Shit, I was caught. I couldn't really say it was Hanna since he just said I could be her friend. "Oh, well it was my mom." "What'd she want?" "Just to know how my day is going?" "Oh, I can't wait to meet her." "Wait, what?" "You know, meet your mom. I mean I'll have to meet your whole family eventually baby." "Oh, haha of course." We quickly walked into the lunch room. The boys all headed over to an abandoned table. I tried to get William to let go of my hand so I could go get lunch.

"Where do you think you're going?" "I need to get something to eat William." "Nah, you can skip this one out." "Why? I'm hungry." "Fine." He threw my hand out of his. I quickly walked over to the line to get my lunch. After grabbing my salad and water, I started walking back to William's table. "Hey Lex!" I turned and spotted Hanna. I glanced over at the boys and saw that they were all busy fighting. I walked over to Hanna, and started chatting with her. "How's William treating you." "Alright, he's a really great boyfriend." "Oh is he? Is that why he's glaring at us right now." "I better go. Text me later ok?" "For sure. Peace."

I quickly ran over to William and sat next to him. "What were you doing over there?" "I was being her friend. I need one yanno." "That's really enough of the attitude Lexi." "Stop-Fucking-Calling-Me-LEXI. That's not my name. Only one person is allowed to call me that & you are not him. I quickly picked my tray, through my untouched food in the garbage and walked away. As I was passing Hanna's table I shouted for her to call me after school. She nodded her head quickly.
I ran down the abandoned hallway to my locker. Quickly opening it and removing my bookbag and shoved my books into it. I slammed it shut and ran into someone's chest. "Hey there girly." I looked up and met the eyes of the scene boy from my first class. "Oh, hey." "Where you off to in such a hurry?" "Oh, you know just ditching out." "Nice, mind if I join you?" "Um, I can't. William would be really mad, and he'd probably take it out on you." "Psst, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
~Alexisss!~ I glanced down the hallway and say William running down towards me. "Yea sure, let's ditch. C'mon now." "We quickly ran out to the parking lot and jumped into my car. "What's your name by the way?" I asked while whipping out of my parking spot.

"My name's Gaskarth, Alex Gaskarth."
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I know Gaskarth never attended Barrington. I just thought it would be a nice little twist. Now, this is the last one for the night. Please subscribe & comment.
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