Have A Little Faith In Me

Oh You're In A Hot Mess

~"You're a ha ha ha ha ha yea you're a hot mess" -Hot Mess by Cobra Starship

After chatting it up a bit we pulled into a diner. "Wanna eat lunch since we seemed to have skipped out on it?" "Fer sure. I'm starving." We both got out of the car and were seated in a booth. Talking to Alex was a relief. We seemed to have so much in common. I was starting to wish he was king of the school and I was 'his' girl. "So how did you get caught up with Beckett?" "Oh you know, wrong place, wrong time." He started to chuckle a bit. Oh how I loved his laugh. Suddenly he reached over and took my hand in his. "I wish you weren't his." I picked up my face and looked him in the eyes. "& why is that?" "Because I'm starting to like you. A lot." He picked our intertwined hands and kissed my fist.

"Oh look how lovely you two look." I glanced over and spotted a very angry William Beckett. 'Oh shit.' "Beckett." "Gaskarth." "What are you doing here Beckett?" "No, no. I think the question is, why are you here with my girlfriend Gaskarth?" "Oh, hm, she's your girlfriend? That's a shame, it's like a real life version of Beauty & The Beast." I began to giggle and at the look on William's face I shut up real quick. "Think you're funny now don't you Gaskarth." "Fucking hilarious actually."

I diverted my eyes to my lap and began to play with the end of my dress. "Get up Lexi." I glanced over at William and noticed his eyes wide. I quickly looked over at Alex and he was glaring at me. "I said, get up Lexi. Go fuck your boyfriend." "But, Al.." "No, leave. Actually no, you stay. Here Beckett come take my seat. Have fun with your dumb bitch girlfriend." I looked over at William and he had a satisfied look on his face. "Good choice Gaskarth. It would be a shame to ruin that pretty little face of yours. Or maybe screw up your big show coming up. You know, the one where you'll think you'll get signed to Hopeless." "How did you know about that?"

"Oh, Gaskarth. I know everything about anyone at Barrington. Don't play stupid with my little Lexi though either. We both know you were just planning on a nice one night stand with her. That is your title right? I mean, you are the one night stand king." I looked over at Alex. "Is that true Alex? Did you think I would be an easy fuck?" He just continued to look at his lap. "Don't worry Alex, I'll save you the trouble of leaving me in the morning and I'll just leave you now. Peace."

I felt someone grab my arm. "Where are you going Lexi?" "I'm going home William. Fuck off you arse." He just stood there shocked. I quickly stormed out of the diner and into my car. Once inside, I pulled out and on my way home I dug out my sidekick. "Hey Hanna." "Oh hey Hun, what's up?" "Wanna hang out?" "Yea sure. What's your address?" "It's 6542 Lake view Avenue." "OK, I'll be there in a few. Bye." "Bye." I increased my speed and arrived home in about 3 minutes. Hanna was already waiting. "So what are we going to do doll?" "Let's get dressed up and go out tonight." "YES! There's this huge party like 3 blocks away from here." "Alright let's do it."

We both ran upstairs and into my walk in closet. "How do you have sooo many clothes?" "Well I'm a tad bit spoiled." "No shit." "ha ha, hope this doesn't change your opinion of me." "Never. Shit." "What?" "Now I know why Beckett knew about you before everyone else did." "Why do you say that?" She pointed at the window, and I knew exactly what she was talking about. William Beckett was my neighbor.....

& he was looking right at me.
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ha, number 4 within like two days? Probably going to post another later. Subscribe & Comments pleaseeee