Here in Your Arms

four. two

You dreamed of you mother and father. You dreamed of being happy and living together with them and just when you hugged your father – you woke up.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up.” A blonde guy was sitting on your bed, starring at you. You smiled. “You didn’t. How long have you been sitting there?” he laughed.

“Maybe 10 till 15 Minutes.” He confessed.

“You looked so cute.”

His confession made you cheeks blush. “My hair is a mess.” You said and sat up. You tried to fix it but you had to use a brush.

“What time is it?” you asked again and he said. “6.30 am.”

You yawned and got up. “I’m going to be late!” you said and went to the bathroom.

“You’re going to go to school?” he followed you in. You nodded. “You just got out of hospital.” You nodded again. “Please stay home.” He looked at you with a heart warming expression. “Don’t you want to go with me?” you asked sad.

His look was as if you were crazy. “NO! Of course I wanna go with you. I want to be with you all the time but your body is still weak and you don’t have to push yourself this hard.” You nodded again. “But I want to.” You told him while brushing you teeth and you hair. Then you put on some make up. You looked at him. He was leaning against the door. “What?” you asked. “I don’t want you to go.”

Your heart was melting. “You don’t have to be scared. I will be alright.” You said while looking at the floor. Now he was standing right in front of you. He laid his hand into your cheek and made you look at him. “Please.” He begged. He put his hands around your waist and pulled you closer. You laid your hands around his neck and tried not to drown in his eyes. “I’m beggin’ you.” You sighed. “I’m begging you, too.”

He came closer. “I don’t want to share you with some other guys.” You could feel his breath. “You won’t have to share me.” He laughed. “What about Nico? He looks at you as if you’d be the only girl in the world.” You tried to get it but you just said. “Well, the question is: Am I the only girl for you? You know there are tons of girl liking you for sure… I’m sure they can’t wait to get close to you. What if they are going to steal you away from me?” he giggled. “They couldn’t.”

“Let me go with you.” You begged and you knew he’d say yes. You looked at him with a begging expression. The ‘war’ was over. “You won. BUT! I want you to be with me the whole breaks.” – “If that’s what you want...” You said and wanted to let him go but he came nearer. “I won’t let you get away this time.” His whispering words made your heart beat like crazy. “What if…I don’t want to go away?” he smirked.

Then you pulled him closer. His breath was warm and he smelled really good. His face came closer and you closed your eyes. ‘The moment before the kiss is almost better that the kiss itself’, was written in a book and now you knew it was the truth.

You never knew the feeling of ‘wanting’ someone could be this strong. It seemed like he could also feel this require ‘cause he pulled your face closer and laid a deep kiss on you. As your lips touched your whole body showered and you mind completely went black. Again and again his warm lips met yours to a passionate kiss. You were almost drown in it as you could feel him pressing your against him. He wouldn’t let you get away. Normally you hated being controlled but it felt so good to be with him. You looked at the watch and back to Draco. “We have to leave.” He giggled. “You’re sure you don’t want to stay here…?” he said while kissing your neck. You couldn’t think straight. “Y-Yeah.” You said with all you might. He kissed you up till your mouth then he paused. “Really?” he said while coming closer. You looked at him with a confused smile. You never felt this way. “I…” he smiled and you tried to go on: “I… want to…” you were proud you told him. Any longer and you’d have forgotten you wanted to go to school. He kissed you soft and short and smiled. “Don’t forget you promise!” his voice resounded in this small bathroom, and then he walked away.

You tried to change but your mind as absent. As you walked out of the bathroom and into the living room Draco was waiting with your bag. You walked slowly because you were still dizzy from the kiss. “I liked it.” He said and laid his arm around you shoulder. “Me, too.” You whispered and you weren’t sure if he heard your words.

“Where’s Hermione?” you asked in front of the school. You totally forgot her existence. You forgot everything. You didn’t even know how you got to school until you saw your car. He must have driven it. Again his arm lay over your shoulders when you walked into the building. Everybody was starring. “Like I said: The girls are looking at you.” He smirked. “Your so damn cute when your jealous.” He gave you as return and you blushed. “I’m not jealous. I’m just caring about my boyfriend. It’s not like you were able to get another girlfriend. They wouldn’t want such a… guy like you. I’m sure I’m just blinded by some drugs and that’s the reason for being together with you. You are so damn lucky!” you explained. He smiled sexy and you wanted to knock him over and kiss him again but you pushed yourself to look away. “You are an open book.” May said from behind. Draco grinned. “Totally not. I’m sure he didn’t know I’d like to kiss him!” then you realised what you said. “Oh my god!” you hit your head. You looked at him with tomato-red cheeks. He smirked. “Every time you want.” was what he offered to you as May left. Then the bell rang. “Oh. I have to go. See you soon.” He said and kissed you fast on the lips before he went.

OH my, have I ever been like this before?, you asked yourself as you went through the corridor.

Then Lessons began. Draco still wasn’t there as the teacher called the names.

You didn’t knew he was in you class until Mr. Wachter called out his name. “Does anyone know where he is?” he asked and looked at you. You felt like you had to answer. “He said he had to do something.” Everyone was staring at you.

The lesson passed and break began. He promised not to leave you alone during breaks was what you thought while going into the canteen. You sat down at the usual table and soon Nico and the others joined you. “How is your feeling today?” Nico asked. “I’m feeling fine. Thanks.” Then Nico looked angry at something behind you back. You wanted to turn around but someone hand holding his hand in front of your eyes. You could just see black. “Whose there?” your laughed. Then the Hands left and someone laughed. The person sat right next to you. “It’s you.” You said and acted like you were mad. “What?” Draco asked. “What is it this time?” You stared him with an angry look and turned around. “…honey?” he said and hugged you from behind. “Please. Tell me: what did I do wrong?” It felt good haven him touch you. “You left.” You said and Terry laughed a ‘That was so cute’-laugh. Nico threw him a ‘I’m going to kill you’-look and May just grinned. “I had to.” Draco told you. “I was lonely. You didn’t even tell me that we’d be in the same class.” He turned you around so you sat on his lap. Then he took you face into his hands and pulled it closer so he could kiss you. It was a short but passionate kiss. He smiled. “still angry?” You shook your head. Some guys came in and he kissed you again. Every time your heart stopped beating. And every time he was around you It raced. “For what was this one?” you asked and looked into his beautiful icy blue eyes. “I wanted them to know your mine.” He grinned. Your heart was touched. “You don’t think they’d get jealous about ME?” you asked because he made it sound like everyone would want to have you as his girlfriend. You gave it a quick thought and decided: That’s absolutely impossible. “Well. I’m sure they do.” He laughed. “You’re having hallucinations!” You looked at Terry and Nico and gave them a ‘He’s crazy’-look. Terry looked like she was looking one of these Disney films she loved and Nico looked at Draco like he wanted to kill him.

*Draco POV*

You saw Nico looking at you with a death-stare. The way he looked reminded you at Potter and how he used to stare at you way back in Hogwarts. The thing you wanted to do the most at this moment was letting him grow a tale or something, but weren’t allowed to use magic in the human world. You smiled at him and kissed your girlfriends neck. He was nearly going to explode and you grinned. You kissed her further. She didn’t say anything about it she was trying to hold a conversation with Becca and Terry. You kissed her from her neck up to her ear and she had strived herself to concentrate on the conversation. Then you bite her Earlobe and she held in. Everyone looked at her, except from Nico who was still starring at you, because she stopped in the middle of the sentence. “You’re confusing me, Draco!” she confessed. “I know.” You grinned. “And I like it…” you added. Terry sighed. It looked like she wanted to have a boyfriend too. “What is it?” May asked her. “I want to be her! It would be great to have such a boyfriend.” She laughed. “I think – I would like to lose my memories every time if I had such a great boyfriend afterwards.” – “TERRY!” May shouted and everyone was silent. “What did she mean ‘afterwards’?” You turned your head. Then the bell rang and everyone expect May and the two of you went to classes. You had self studying-lesson now. “What did she mean with ‘afterwards’?” her voice was filled with pain. “Did she mean you just lied to me about being your girlfriend. ‘That silly girl with no memories - I’m going to help her by being her boyfriend. Maybe she’d be happier this way? Or how should did she mean it?” You were stunned. One word and everything could be found out.
May answered and she turned around to her. “She’s just jealous because you have a boyfriend and she doesn’t.” She looked at you. “We didn’t tell anyone except May we were a couple. You said you didn’t want to hurt Nico.“ you lied and looked into her sad eyes. “I’m so sorry.” She said. She really seemed to regret it. This is the best game ever, you thought and smiled at her. “Don’t worry. It’s alright.”