A Sea of Sound


I had to take chances dancing with Hal and Charlie. It wasn’t too bad although my mind was a blank and other times my mind was full of thoughts, full of random thoughts that I had no idea why I was thinking. Charlie and I danced in silence; she would sometimes talk so quietly I wasn’t sure she was talking to me until she glared at me like I wasn’t listening. I was, I had been trying so hard to listen and yet with the music blaring and the people so close to me it was hard to pay attention.

When I danced with Hal all she did was yelling at me at the top of her lungs. I would flinch away from her trying to save my ear drums and she would get pissed. She would glare at me and pull my closer to her trying to force me into listening to her. I would try to listen to her and try to make since of the words without feeling like I would soon lose my hearing too.

Hal was sort of hogging me and trying to talk to me. She was talking to me about I don’t even know what just talking. I was hoping that I would get a break and dance with Charlie at some point. But no I didn’t get a break. I had a constant fucking stream of yelled stories I didn’t give a shit about. When I had the chance I would escape to outside for some fresh air, I would breathe deeply and consider running away but never would. I would go back into the room and suffer more yelled stories or whispered ones, either way I was being glared at.

When I went back inside I was immediately grabbed by Hal and Charlie. They glared at each other and I sighed inwardly. I rolled my eyes and yanked my arm out of both of their grasps before walking out of the. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I started down the street, I know that I have a while of walking ahead of me but I don’t really care. I can’t believe how angry they were making me. I knew from the begging that it wouldn’t be smart for the two of them to have the same prom date but of course I couldn’t say anything about it. No I could never say a fucking word.

By the time I got home I was sweating, my suit was uncomfortable warm, my shoes were squeezing my feet, and my hair was matted to my head. I was dying of thirst and it was a lot past midnight. I walked into my house and drank almost a gallon of water. I lean against the counter and sigh closing my eyes. I walk up the stairs and into my room pulling the suit off and laying on my bed in my boxers my mind racing.

Hal and Charlie are both nuts. They both have their minds set on something that isn’t right. They glare at me when I don’t listen. Charlie doesn’t use something that she has. Something that is so useful and amazing. I can’t even believe that she has the audacity to even think that she could be my friend. I understand that she doesn’t like to talk because she thinks that she only has a certain amount of words or something crazy like that. But what the fuck? Honestly it’s a waist. It’s something I wish I could have. And Hal well she overused what she had. She thought that there always needed to be someone talking and she was sadly mistaken. I didn’t need either one of them, I was jealous of what they had and what I couldn’t have. I was stuck in a sea of sound and I was unable to add my voice.
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the enddddddddd
hope you love it
and sorry it ended sorta tard like