Status: More or less based on Losing It by Never Shout Never

Sweetheart, I'm Sorry but You're Not the First

With Lust In My Eyes

I pulled away from the blonde haired guy with a smirk on my face. He gripped my forearms and yanked me to him before attempting to kiss me again but I didn’t let him. I slapped him hard on his face and said with a voice full of venom.

“Don’t touch me you pathetic loser. Or I’ll surely make your life a living hell at Joplin High. “
The guy whose name really didn’t know or care of knowing covered his red marked cheek and sneered at me. “I knew you were just a fucking tease. I should’ve listened to the guys who’ve tried to get into your pants you fucking slut. Fuck you- you- fucki-“

I fake yawned, uninterested on his pathetic insults before cutting him off. “Whatever. It’s not like I care what you think. And is ‘fucking’ like your favorite word?”

The guy’s sneer turned to harsh scowl and his dull brown eyes defined the saying ‘If looks could kill, you’d be six feet under.’ “Watch it bitch! I’ll put you in your place.” He spat out before reaching out for my left forearm, squeezing it in a vice tight grasp. I cried out in fake pain.

“Let me go! Help! Somebody, help me! Help!” I screeched out. We were both standing outside the back of a pet store where gangs wouldn’t dare to hang out. Luckily, a young boy with messy brown hair came out of the back door, a black garbage bag held by his right hand. The boy looked at us with wide eyes before straightening himself and puffing out his chest in a manly way.

“Hey, leave her alone! That’s no way to treat a lady!”The boy’s voice was deep and hoarse, like he was in his times of maturing. I gave the boy an innocent and winced as if the blonde haired guy was only tightening his grip on my arm.

“I said leave her alone or-or-or- I’ll call the cops!” Of course, call the cops. He wouldn’t stand a chance against a varsity football player. The blonde haired guy rolled his eyes, reluctantly letting go of my arm before leaning close to my ear.

“Bitch, you’ll wish you had nev-“

Again I cut him off him, “No- I’ll put you in your place, asshole. Just wait.” I hissed and pushed him away from me. I turned to look at my somewhat savior with a thankful smile.

“Thank you…Sorry I don’t know your name, sweetie.” I said calmly.

The boy returned a shy smile before speaking up, “My name is Christofer or just Chris.”

“Well thank you for saving me Chris. I’m Meghan.” I paused to gently place my hand on his shoulder. Even though he appeared younger than me, he was clearly a few inches taller.

“You’re a cutie you know that?”

Chris blushed slightly. “Um thank you, Meghan. Uh are you okay? Do you want me to call an ambulance or um-?

“Nah I’m all right. The guy didn’t hurt me or anything. But um, would you mind letting me borrow your phone? I don’t have mine right now.”

He nodded, “Hold on. Let me throw this thrash away.” He disposed of the black bag, stuck his hand in his hoodie pocket before handing me a small black device. I took the phone and dialed my best friend’s number, Katie’s number.

“Katie, it’s me. I’m going to stay at your house today, okay? I have some things to tell you about.”

“Oh ok. See you right now?”


“’K bye.”


I returned the phone back to Chris. “Well thank you again. I have to go now, see you around. Bye.” I started walking towards the front of the pet store where the lights illuminated the streets better. The autumn wind blew gently around me but still it caused me to shiver. I pulled down the sleeves of my neon blue and black flannel shirt to cover my arms and wrapped them around my torso. My jean cladded legs moved quickly. I was in a hurry to get to Katie’s house and tell her that we needed to start the perfect rumor to spread around at school tomorrow. I had to prove to that low life blonde guy to not mess around with me or he would get hurt.

“Wait! Meghan!” I heard from behind me, the sound broke the silence. The person’s footsteps rang in my ears so I stopped to look at who it was. Chris ran up to me then stopped a few feet away. His cheeks were flushed and his breaths came out in short gasps.

“Looks like I need to run more often…” He mumbled under his breath before clearing his throat. “I saw that you were walking by yourself and well I don’t trust anyone right now especially since you were almost abused or raped or I don’t know by this guy and well I was wondering if you wanted a ride to wherever you need to go. But if you don’t trust me then I understand, I mean I can come across as weird or different. And er what do you say?” His words came out in a nervous rush. I smiled, he was just too cute.
I let out a small chuckle, “Sure I’d love a ride. And no, you don’t come across weird. You’re sweet actually.”

“Ok…Sorry about right now…” Chris apologized sheepishly.

“Don’t be.” I assured. We walked back to the pet store where I assumed his car was at.

Another gust of wind blew over us, making my hair whip around. I shivered and wrapped my arms around me tighter, trying to block the cool wind. Sure enough a light blue car was parked at the building.
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