The New Art Teacher

lolololol Mr Tangerine (the principal) finds out!

Gerard turned his head at the last millisecond, trying to avoid Frank’s eager lips, and to Frank’s dismay, he could only make out with Gerard’s cheek. He pouted at Gerard, who glared back, green/hazel eyes burning. He had warmed up, and his lips were returning to their usual rose pink. He shook off the pink robe, and put on his offered leather jacket.

“I said no.” Gerard commanded Frank. The cheering had stopped, and the PDHPE/PE teachers were preparing to launch off the diving board.

“But you sai-”

“BANG” The teachers were off, but the arguing pair were not interested.

“A childish request, and you know that it was a mistake.” Gerard spat. “I love only one person, and that person is Lindsey. My wife!”

“Well, I am very sorry Mr Way.” Frank said, his voice laden with heavy sarcasm.

“This is for your sake, as well as mine. I’m not being the selfish bastard you think I may be!” Gerard said. It truly was for Frank. If Lindsey found out, she would tear him to pieces. She was one jealous wife.

“Really?!” Frank hissed, hackles raised, teeth actually bared in anger. “Well, you’re certainly acting like one. Teasing me so far, but dropping me at the last second!”

“I have in no way attempted to tease you. In fact, you’re the one who’s been toying with me.”

A blast of cheers interrupted their heated conversation as Mrs Kerrigan hopped gracefully out of the pool, red one piece shaking off droplets of water as she roughly dried herself with a towel.

“That’s not true!” Frank bluffed.

“Raised eyebrows all around Frank.” Gerard said, his eyebrows flying up so high that they nearly disappeared beneath his hair. He took it down from it's usual ponytail, and let it hang to his shoulders.

Amazingly, Nat, Serina and Denise hadn’t heard this conversation. Either that, or they were good eavesdroppers.

“Lets...Let’s not discuss this here.” Gerard said, eyes whipping around for any people trying to drop in the conversation.

“Why not?!” Frank angrily gestured around to all the chattering people. “It’s too goddamn noisy for anyone but us 2 to hear.”

“ Let’s just go to a more private place.” Gerard started to walk towards the toilets. Frank groaned in frustration, and followed. A few eyes followed, but the pair were soon swallowed by the coldness of the tiled rooms.

“O-K!” Gerard dragged out as he stood against a wall. He turned around to face Frank. “What do you want?!”

“You are one stupid arsehole aren’t you?” Frank retorted.

Gerard drew up close to him, his face filled with anger, frustration and...fear? Frank closed his eyes for a second, and could feel Gerard’s cool breath, infused with the scent of coffee beans and cigarettes on his face

“You don’t want to be around me. Bad things usually happen, and my companions usually disappear. Eliza had to go. Frank Iero as well. Lindsey’s been the only one, and I don’t want to lose her. And the shame! “

“I’m up for a challenge.” Frank smirked. ‘Kiss me!’ Frank’s mind beat inside him. ‘Kiss me!’

As if his words had been an activation code, Gerard leapt forward and knocked Frank over with his sudden enthusiasm, landing on top of him. Guilt churned inside him like a washing machine, but other emotions, such as greed and lust overtook him.
Gerard desperately shoved his mouth onto Frank’s, and began to battle for control with his tongue. Frank whooped inside his head as he fought with his. To divert Gerard’s attention, he started to creep his hands around his body, just teasing, no real stuff. One hand entwined in his long black hair that fell just short of his shoulder blades. The leather jacket had been dropped ages ago, and the pants were well down past Gerard's knees.

A few noises emerged from Gerard’s throat as they rolled around on the cold floor.
They were too busy to see a pair of leather shoes in one of the toilet cubicles.

The sudden whoooooosh! of a toilet flushing, and the screeeeeech! of a toilet door broke their concentration.

Both Frank and Gerard struggled to escape from their entangled limbs, but it was too late.

The man who had walked in upon this disturbing scene in a worn suit, and tie with a pissed-off expression on his face was...


“U-u-uh Good afterno-o-on Mr Tangerine.” Gerard stuttered from the floor.

“After the swimming carnival. In my office Mr Way. Alone.” He commanded, steel-grey eyes glinting with anger.

“But he has to look at my exhi-“

“Be quiet!” He snapped. Frank shrank visibly.

He stepped over the two bodies on the floor, before walking out.

“I’m screwed.” Gerard muttered.
♠ ♠ ♠
srry i haven't updated for ages heaps of hw
including a maths, geo and pdhpe and a Tech and a science thing.
