The New Art Teacher

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Gerard kneaded his forehead with his palm as he perched on the edge of the mahogany table. What was wrong with him? He promised Lyn-z that he would stop this. I’m married! He thought furiously. I’m married to the greatest woman I could ever find.

That may be true, His naughty side chuckled within him. But Frank’s a man/male, not a woman/female.

Gerard slapped himself hard to get rid of his inner demons. They rarely reared their heads, but when they did...
Gerard remembered what happened between him and Frankie on that night. The Projekt Revolution tour was great, but that night was even better. Lyn-z had married him 4 days later.


Frank looked up as he heard the thwack of a hand on soft bare flesh. Some other kids looked up as well, but seeing nothing wrong, they concentrated back on copying the shadowing to impress their new and sexy art teacher. Frank saw a red mark on Gerard’s cheek appear as he just stood next to the desk, occasionally swaying.

Did Gerard slap himself? Why?

The bell bonged its annoying monotone tune signalling the end of Period 1, and the beginning of the 20 minute announcement the teachers had been handed.

The pupils carefully handed their drawings in, writing their names in small, neat characters on the bottom right corners, then sat back down. After collecting all the copies and stacking them on top of a random filing cabinet, Gerard read out all the day’s notices, quickly summarizing each one. He read too quickly, and they had 15 minutes to kill until next period. A few minutes trickled by, and the students started to shift around.
“Any suggestions?” Gerard asked to pass time.

Frank, who had been thinking for some time, shot his hand up. Gerard winced inside as he looked at Frank. It didn’t help that Frank looked quite similar to Gerard’s good friend when he was a teenager.

“How about a trivia game? How about you ask questions about yourself to us, and if we answer 5 of them, you have to sing one of MCR’s songs from The Black Parade.” He piped up.

Gerard was about to decline when the students became to bang on the tables, chanting his name.





What the hell. It doesn’t matter. They can’t answer these questions He thought.
“Ok Ok” He gave up. The teenagers cheered.

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Some other good MCR writers I like are:
I Am Broken!?