The New Art Teacher


After singing the next verse and the chorus again, Gerard invited someone onto the desk, offering his hand. Frank unexpectedly took it, and began to air guitar Ray’s solo. He writhed around on the desk, head-banging repeatedly.
Everyone cheered loudly and as Ray’s solo came to an end; Frank snatched an offered ‘microphone’. He and Gerard sang,

“Teenagers scare the living shit out of me. They could care less, as long as someone will bleed, so darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose. Maybe they leave you alone, but not me.”

Frank did the guitar bit at the end. The classroom erupted into roars of approval and claps. Frank and Gerard grabbed hands and bowed, which made everyone clap all the harder. A few girls and boys noted the physical contact between the two, but didn't say anything.

Suddenly the croak of Mr Tangerine's pissed off sounding voice screeched over the PA as if a cat had been stepped on. Gerard winced at that thought, and knew that if Bob was here, he would probably burst out in tears if he heard noise that vaguely sounded like a cat in distress.

"Can all students please proceed to the next period IMMEDIATELY? And also, noisiness shall not be tolerated during school hours, especially in Art Block 3. Do I make myself clear Mr Way?"

Everyone just burst into applause at the mention of Gerard's name. Everyone's opinions of Frank and Gerard had upped by about 65%. All MCR haters included.

Gerard smiled. Mr Tangerine was a really nice guy, and Gerard didn't understand why so many students were afraid of him.
He pointed towards the door, and everyone obediently filed out except for his next class.
Frank just gave him an innocent tentative hug, a final wave and then he left the room.

Frank had no idea what effect his small hug gave Gerard. Gerard literally could feel himself getting goosebumps, and little bursts of what seemed like lightening bounced all over his skin. It reminded him of when he was on a high, and also when Mikey had accidentally electrocuted him.

Mikey had been fiddling with a toaster with a fork and Gerard had asked him what was wrong. Mikey had whined about the stuck bread inside, so Gerard tried to take it out. Mikey thought that turning the toaster on would help.

It did help.

It helped to put Gerard in a hospital for a week.. Mikey was so embarrassed he begged all witnesses to keep quiet, the witnesses being Frank, Ray and Helena, Gerard's ex-fiance
who had disappeared off somewhere and whom they never, ever talked about.
They all agreed, although there were rumours of Mikey and toasters being a bad combination. Other incidents had happened before that one though, so no biggie.

Anyways, back to the original story.

Gerard felt disgusted with himself. He faced away from the sitting class so he showed his back towards them.

'You are a sick, twisted old man and you need to GROW UP' his brain scolded him angrily.

"Gerard, you ain't old.' his heart softened him up a lot of the time. 'You like Frank. Just keep feeding the flames. Remember when you and him were staring at each other? And also the quiz. How would he know that you never, ever wear briefs? He probably stalks you online."

"Guys, just shut up." he muttered to himself. His heart and brain were hopeless in these situations.

He turned around, ready to face another hour of teaching. 30 faces of Year 9-ers adoringly looked back. He began to introduce himself.

"Hello 9R. My name is Gerard Way and I..."

Frank felt as if he had taken a hit of coke. He had just hugged Gerard Way, who didn't seem to mind at all. He felt like singing his face off, but someone would probably smack him across the mouth. Best to keep quiet. He was so happy that not even Maths could weigh him down. Also, he had Art every day except for Friday Week B.
Frank felt like he was on fire (figuratively speaking)
After this period there was recess/morning break. Frank had to tell his friends what had happened.
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Comment guys. I have barely no comments.
Sorry it took such a long time. School and all XC
thanks for reading