The New Art Teacher

Chapter 6

The bell for morning break had rung a while ago, and Frank was chilling out with his three best friends who had been with him since year 8.
The three were clustered around him, hotly debating Gerard Way's hawtness and singing abilities. After a long arguement, it was decided that Gerard Way was hotter than Frank Iero.

"Oh em gee." Serina, a slim brunette sporting a hairstyle that looked very similar to Tokio Hotels frontman, Bill Kautlitz, moaned with jealousy at Frank.

"You sang with THE Gerard Way!" Nathan exclaimed, a gay 19 year old with bleached platinum hair who looked almost the same as Gerard Way during his phase of 'The Black Parade'.
He still got mistaken on trains and busses as Gerard Way, and almost always wore a black beanie to hide his hair. It just made MCR fans more suspicious of him.

"Plus," Denise chimed in, "you hugged him." Denise combed her fingers through her shoulder length black hair, and smoothed her jumper over her slightly chubby body.

"Thanks guys..." Frank tiredly said. Then he spotted a suspicious mass of people crowded around a single table being used by one handsome, harrased looking individual who was trying to eat his food in peace.
"Wow, what's happening?" he pointed at the crowded part of the room.

"That's Gerard." Serina rolled her eyes at Frank. "Isn't it kind of obvious?"
"Let's go over and help him out." His friends shrugged, and followed his lead. They awkwardly stepped out of their table, and began to head over to Gerard Way.

All that Gerard wanted was some peace and quiet, but a group of teenage fanatics had decided to stick to him for the rest of the day like chewing gum.
He was trying to eat his sandwhich in peace, but a bunch of screaming fans broke his concentration.
"I LOVE YOU GEE" one shrieked in his ear.
"YOU'RE HOTTER THAN FRANKIE!" another nearly deafened him with his high pitched voice.

"Can you please leave me alone?!" Gerard asked/commanded.
They fan-screamed at his voice.
"Can you do a geegasm?" one creepy fan asked him, eyes puppy-like.
"Ok.' Gerard said. As if he would do a geegasm in a school.
"Really?!" the fan yelled. He waved over his friends and screamed to the entire room,

Gerard face palmed himself as a horde of people rushed over. Someone began to hum the tune of 'Do You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison'.

He looked around for help. The teachers had already run away, and there were no friendly faces in the crowd. Well, there were, but their facial expressions were too friendly.

Then he suddenly saw Frank with his friends trolling over, barging people out of the way.

'Save me!' Gerard mouthed at the oncoming group. Frank nodded and pushed his way to the front of the crowd.

"Worm has arrived to take the job of crowd control, and anyone that he thinks is trying to harrass Mr Way.l" Frank declared loudly.
Suddenly there were no people besides the five of them.
Gerard grinned with relief, and began to chew on his sandwhich again.

Frank, Serina, Nathan and Denise settled on the table around Gerard, and began to talk.
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It's really bad I know. sorry guys. its a filler.