The New Art Teacher

Chapter 8

Period 3&4 passed quickly. History and Japanese was a breeze. Finally the lunch bell rang, granting relief for students needy for a 45-minute break.

Frank gathered his bags, and quickly stashed his calligraphy kit and history books in his locker, before rushing to the table that he and his friends had sat with Gerard before.

Denise, Serina and Nathan followed ensuite.

They saw a calm Gerard, only being harassed by a couple of kids which he shooed away quickly. He was reading a book on the works of a particular artist whom he admired greatly, who used the pseudonym ‘ Gerard. W. Ay’. His real name or appearance had not been released yet, except for the fact that he was a male.

Gerard W.Ay had privately sent him a letter asking for permission to use his name as his pseudonym.

He was a massive MCR fan, or at least, that was what Gerard had been told.

“So, you like this artist?” Frank casually gestured towards the book as the quartet settled down onto the chrome table. His friends looked at each other anxiously. They were the only people that Frank had trusted his secret art career.

“Yeah. He’s awesome. I really like the contrasts he uses, but within those, it seems to, harmonise. But he’s not using warm colours. His artwork is beautiful, to say the truth.” Gerard enthusiastically shot out, and all but Frank had an expression on their faces that meant ‘What the f*ck is he talking about?’

“Would you be honoured if you met him?” Frank asked, his face a picture of innocence.

“To say the truth, I think I would faint!” Gerard rolled his eyes. “But it’s not like I’m gonna meet him.. He hasn’t released anything about himself.”

“Faint now.” Frank ordered. Gerard’s eyebrows met in the middle of his face confusedly.

“Why” He puzzedly asked.

“Cos you’re gonna meet him.” Frank smiled.

“WHERE!?” Gerard swung his head around wildly, trying to spot an old man with paint spatters all over him, and holding a brush.

“It’s me you dumbass” It was Frank’s turn to do the rolling of the eyes.
Gerard’s eyes began to roll to the back of his head, and his body began to sag onto the seat.

Serina quick thinkingly slapped some water onto his face, and he woke up with a snap.
“I’m releasing a new exhibition in a couple of weeks.” Frank took out his phone, and handed it to the quivering Gerard.

“You can’t be him. That’s impossible.” Gerard breathed. He looked at the pictures that Frank had snapped of his finished works.

“What, you expected someone more...?” Frank took offence.

“No no.” Gerard hurriedly denied, eyes still glued to the phone screen .

“It’s just that, you’re good at everything. Your academic reports are fantastic, all A’s, and you’re rich. You’re handsome. You’re a great person to hang around with. You have everything you want!” Gerard was too busy ranting on to remember what he had just said.

“It’s just that, you seem so...down all the time.” Frank’s eyes hardened as Gerard uttered this.

“If that’s how you feel, I won’t bother you with my depressive atmosphere.” Frank stacked up his lunchbox and began to stand. Gerard placed an arm on his, and pushed him back down.

“I’m really sorry that I said that. Forget it.” Frank couldn’t forget it, but he relaxed.

“Can I visit your exhibition?” Gerard asked excitedly, like he had just received a ticket to an Iron Maiden concert.

“Come over to my house. You can check them out before the public does. I need a professional opinion, and you can get a real sneak preview.” Frank offered. Gerard’s heart picked up a beat.

“Me. Professional?? You pwn me in art, comics and everything. You should be teaching Visual Arts, not me.” The quintet (5 people) chuckled.

“How about, tomorrow afternoon?” Frank asked.

“There’s swimming carnival tomorrow. Remember Frank?” Denise added. Frank ‘hoorayed’ inside him. Water was his main element, along with music. Realistically, every sport was his area. And also, he could take advantage of this situation.

“Oh yeah. I mean...after. Obviously.” Frank covered.

“Sure. Of course!” Gerard beamed. They both nodded, and drew heads together, before they started to discuss the properties of tone.
Denise, Serina and Nat zoned out of their jargon-infested discussion, and started to eat, their stomachs grumbling for well-deserved nutrition.

The bell rang soon after, and students started to flit towards their last two periods.

“See ya tomorrow Gee. And, plus, where do you live?” Frank said.

“I’m hiring an apartment. Here’s the address.” Before Gerard could even think about it, he had already ripped out a piece of paper from his notebook, and handed the written on paper to a stunned Frank.

‘O...k...” Frank mumbled.

“If you don’t want it, that’s okay.” Gerard reached out his hand to take it back.

“No no. It is fine. Thanks Gee. See you tomorrow.” Frank galloped after his friends, and Gerard just trod onto the next Visual Arts lesson.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry I havent updated in ages.
School is so busy that it is not funny, and I was only able to write this cos I was on peer support camp.
Very sorry.

Bob Bryar has left My Chemical Romance. Mourn.