The New Art Teacher

Swimming Carnival!

The smell of harsh chlorine invaded everyone's nostrils as the entire upper high school entered the open swimming pool, exposed to the cell-infesting UV rays. Huge stone steps surrounded the small 50m swimming pool, and these were the spectator seats. 5 bold banners emblazoned with their names were posted to 1/5 of the stone steps.

Students started to change into swimmers, or quickly establish their seatings in the best spot.

'First call for 15-year old male freestyle. Please assemble at the marshaling area. All 15-year old males swimming, please proceed to the marshaling area.' The PA blared.

All the swimmers that fit in this section snapped their goggles on, before dropping their towels, earning some traditional whistles from the crowd watching, before heading over to the blue tarpaulin that was the marshaling area.

Frank, Serina, Denise and Nat were just chilling as usual, sitting together, clutching soft drinks to ward off the heat, in completely different house colours. Nat was green, Denise was purple, Serina was red, and Frank was gold. No-one cared who sat in who's house, as long as they encouraged the people who were doing vaguely athletic things.

Frank and Nat had already put on their brand new speedos, and Denise had changed into a one-piece. Serina wasn't swimming. Denise and Nat were formidable swimmers, but they weren't in the same races as him due to gender and age.

The sun inched its blazing way across the beautiful clear sky, with no clouds in sight, and no chance of natural potential shelter.

Soon, the call for the 18-year old males began to pierce everyone's ears once again. Denise had finished her race at 1st, and she was off changing in the ladies room.

"Come on Nat. Let's go to the toilet. We're on soon." Frank pulled at Nat's short blond hair. Nat slapped his hand away to get a better view of the races. The empty can lay besides him.

"If that's how you are gonna be..." Frank shrugged, and made his way to the toilet. He trod his way slowly, feeling the cold tiles under his feet, and began to massage his arm muscles, switching every few seconds.

Left hand right arm.


RIght hand left arm.


He turned the corner, still massaging his arms, and saw a very peculiar sight.

It's not everyday you see your idol attempting and failing miserably to climb into a tight speedsuit.
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Yay. Gerard is swimming.
Check out my other stories, like the samantha adoption one, and the one about Jacob Black dying, going to the black parade, and finding that the volturi are hunting him.

Read it plz? I think it's ok, cos i combined the two uncombinable things. Twilight/Jacob Black and MCR.