You're Not Alone

Not a Dream Anymore

Everything was shrouded in darkness, all but this one light; it was shining as brightly as the sun, like a single star in the pitch black of night. Light tapping could be heard and out of the darkness appeared a girl with deep, ocean blue eyes.
I carefully walked towards the light hoping with all my might that maybe this time it would be different, that just wouldn’t turn out like before.

I hesitantly stepped into the wall of light, what opened up before my eyes was a world that could only appear in fairytale, it was like the endless black of the world melting away and forming into a haven, a utopia made just for me, but I knew better than that, that this beautiful sanctuary would all crumble away just as easily as it had been created.
I saw birds with wings of blue fire and shimmering tails, some with more than one, an endless sea of colors soared freely above me with not a care in the world, if only I could live like they did; the grass was an untainted, emerald green which reminded me of his damn eyes and animals that could never exist in real life roamed about as if they owned the land, which in a way they did. Everything here was beautiful....perfect. It was a world in which I knew could never be a reality, a world of pure fantasy.

I strolled through the land, drinking in all the wondrous sights and the sounds before it would all end up in flames.
Lying down on the grass I gazed up at the sky observing the birds of ice and fire as they soared and twirled above my head in a flock of hundreds; their melodious voices flowed together in harmony.
As I turned my head to the left I saw majestic creatures with wispy manes of colour lapping at the water of a silvery lake filled with fishes in all sorts of colours, yellow, indigo or pink even.
Suddenly out of nowhere the sound of a horn blew shattering my peaceful sanctuary, its cry sending the creatures scampering off in a hurry to their homes.
I stood up and tore off in the direction of where I heard the horn blow, not long after I started running I could hear screams. I hesitated for a mere second before quickly turning off at a corner to go towards where the sounds of despair could be heard.

It was hopeless, I knew but something inside me compelled me to run even faster and yet my legs felt like they would collapse under me at any moment but I willed them to stay up longer and I desperately prayed that just this once maybe I could save him.

As the terrain started changing from the untouched wonderland into one where the animals were fleeing in terror, the birds shrieked in horror as the flames seared their wings destroying all their chances of escaping, it was a nightmare to watch but I knew I could do absolutely nothing to help them so I continued running off into the direction of where the screaming could be heard the loudest.
I leapt over the dense overgrowth of plants to appear into something that could only be described as a scene from a horror movie. Below the hill on where I stood there was a war raging, people were getting slaughtered one by one. Swords and bows clashed. Men, women and children alike were screaming in terror attempting to flee from their homes but getting trampled on instead. I hurriedly scanned the battlefield searching for one person in particular.

As time wore on I couldn’t help but get desperate. Suddenly a spark of green silver flashed close to the hill and I found him; he was caught up in a battle with three other soldiers, their swords danced right and left trying to catch the other one off guard and to end it with the finishing blow. I quickly sped off into the battle knowing for a fact that I wouldn’t get hurt.

Swords and arrows simply passed right threw me and I prayed that when I got there he’d still be alive.
I flew through two people caught up in a fight leaving not a trace that I was ever there. A cry was heard in the night and red became all I saw; it was then that I knew I was already too late. It was him; my legs collapsed under me and I dropped to the ground of where he fell tears gushing from my eyes.

Golden blond hair stained red, his emerald green eyes were fluttering on the brink of oblivion never to open again and blood covered his clothes and as I kneeled at where he had fallen, his eyes slowly focused upon mine.
“You’re crying again.” He started coughing up blood, hands shaking, his emerald sword lying discarded and broken on the dirt ground.
I tried to say something....anything but no words came out instead a choked sobbed was all I could manage. Pathetic.
He smiled and it wrenched another sob from me. But why?
“You shouldn’t cry you know, it’s just not you.” His voice was barely a whisper now, how would he know what was me and what was lies; the life was slowly leaving from his eyes like a candle going out.
As this world started washing away, the screaming voices became muted and the bright colors swept away like sand. I held onto him tighter but soon he too disappeared slipping away from me like everything else in this enchanted world of mine.

The sound of an alarm ringing awoke her. Messy, raven black hair poked out from a cocoon of blankets just as sky blue eyes opened. Naomi sat up knowing that she didn’t need to touch her face to know that she had been crying...again. She felt disgusted with herself, it was only a dream and nothing more and yet it had been the exact same dream she’d been having for about a month now and it didn’t seem to want to stop anytime soon.

Exhausted, she sluggishly got out of bed, at first struggling to stand upright, when she’d finally regained her balance she wandered off into her bathroom getting ready for another day of school. Joy.
“Naomi you up already? Breakfast is on the table alright I got to go to work now so I can’t drive you today so you better get to school on time!” A man dressed in messy suit attire rushed out the door but not before hearing his sister’s reply
“I got it!” She yelled back to her brother Tyler before grabbing her bag and running down the stairs after she had gotten dressed. She snatched up a piece of toast, than strolled out the door locking it securely behind her.
Letting out a tired sign she started the 15 minute trek to school or what she liked to call prison. It wasn’t like she didn’t have any friends on the contrary she had plenty it was just that her days were soon becoming a repeat of the previous days before, nothing new or interesting ever happened anymore. While she strolled into school Naomi contemplated about her dreams, wondering if she should go see a doctor or something because she was pretty sure that having the same dream for around a month couldn’t be normal.

But before she could mull over the idea more she was roughly grabbed from the side and hugged though it was more like strangling from the side.
“Mel you got to stop doing that you know because you’ll kill me one day!” Naomi choked out as she righted herself.
A girl with long, glossy, blond hair tied up in a messy bun, light, brown eyes and a 200 watt smile grinned up at Naomi.
“That’s why you should pay attention to where you’re walking you almost ran into a pole you know.”
As Naomi looked around she soon realized that she had indeed almost run into a pole but Melody had saved her in the nick of time.
“Well thanks then Mel but just try not to strangle me next time okay.” Naomi couldn’t help but smile. Her and Mel had met in preschool and they had been close friends ever since. As the two lazily started walking into school before the bang rang Mel spun around and gave her another cat like grin,
“Hey did you know were getting a new kid today, I heard he’s pretty hot too so if you’re not going for him then I am.”
Naomi rolled her eyes, “Go right ahead Mel I’m not interested.”
Melody gave a pout, “You’re no fun in the mornings Nana.”
“So I’ve been told.”

The two made it to class just as the bang rung. Melody skipped over to a rather large group of girls and guys in the middle of the class and started chatting away.
“Hey guys! So any of you seen the new guy yet?”
“No but I heard that Alicia has and says he’s hot! A brunette girl chirped in.
“Really girls....I think I’m way sexier than this new guy.” Dan grinned and gave the girls a wink
“Then why haven’t you got yourself a girlfriend yet?” Naomi replied walking around the group and dumping her bag on a table overlooking the front entrance of the school.
The group burst out laughing while Dan leapt over some chairs to Naomi’s side.
“That’s cruel Nana.” He gave her a pout.
“Oh? But isn’t it true?”
“Shut up.” The two previously arguing soon started laughing; their conversation was short before Melody called Dan over to ask his opinion of the mysterious new guy.
“I’ll talk to you later Nana or else Mel’s going to bite my head off.”
Dan reluctantly rejoined the group and their predictions of what the new guy was going to look like.

Naomi let her eyes droop closed and began pondering over her bizarre dream yet again wondering when or if they would ever end so she could get a proper night’s sleep for once. But before she could continue thinking She was abruptly interrupted yet again but by Lilly this time who was giggling and pointing over to the front of the class where the teacher standing.
“He’s staring at you.” She whispered still giggling.

As Naomi’s gaze followed to where she was recently pointing her reply was soon caught in her throat because the new guy that had everyone talking looked exactly like the guy from her dreams.

The teacher called for attention effectively silencing all the whispers and murmurs.
“Everyone, meet our new student Zero Riddle.”