Sequel: Long Distance.
Status: finished - sequel up.

Trophy Eyes.


Jack throws himself into the music block bathrooms, breathing hard. He’s just narrowly escaped the wrath of Jonathan Cook and his army of school bullies. He shuffles into one of the cubicles and sits down on the lid of the toilet.

His life stinks.

He spends every day trying to avoid the senior assholes that are intent on making his life miserable. When he gets a free minute to himself, he’s usually trying to beat level three on Call Of Duty or attempting to learn the guitar for the newest Blink 182 song. And when he’s not doing that, he’s just trying to be a normal kid.

He gets comfortable in the bathroom cubicle; he’s skipping next period so he knows Jonathan and his cronies are out of the way.

He knows Andrew will probably be looking for him in the English block right about now, probably with that new exchange student kid.

Andrew’s his best friend, and has been for as long as Jack can remember. He doesn’t honestly think he’d be able to pull through a school day without Andrew by his side.

Then there’s Zack. Ordinarily, Zack would’ve stood up to Jonathan and company for Jack, but since Zack is away on the student exchange program and has been replaced by some weedy Welsh kid, that’s out of the question.

Said weedy Welsh kid goes by the name of Aled. Jack doesn’t really know much about him, except that Andrew was given the wonderful reward of looking after him while he’s here.

Jack is shaken from his thoughts as the bathroom door flies open.

“Stop being such a pussy and just do it, Gaskarth.”

Jack knows that voice; John O’Callaghan, pushy senior who deals drugs to all the addicts in the school.

“I don’t know, John.”

“Oh come on, Alex. Everyone’s doing it. It makes you feel better.”

By now, Jack has managed to place the other voice as Alex Gaskarth’s. Jack always had him down as a good kid; he can’t say he remembers him ever being in serious trouble at school. Well, he’s never been in such serious trouble it’s been gossiped about for weeks on end.

“Alright. Fine. But so help me, John-Oh, if my mom finds out, I’ll destroy you.”


Joe, Jack’s elder brother, knows something’s up when Alex stumbles into class fifteen minutes late. Alex isn’t one to intentionally show up late.

Joe catches sight of Alex’s eyes as the boy takes a seat beside him and his huge, almost frightening dilated pupils, with only a tiny strip of honey iris framing them, give everything away.

Alex Gaskarth’s doing drugs.
♠ ♠ ♠
should I continue?
con/crit would be love.