Sequel: Long Distance.
Status: finished - sequel up.

Trophy Eyes.

fifteen: smile.

Jack’s chest is heaving by the time he reaches the park that’s closest to Alex’s house. He pushes open the gates and quickly walks along the pathway, glancing in every direction for Alex.


He frowns to himself and shakes his head - this is Richmond, for crying out loud. The state capital of Virginia. It has more than one park.

He mentally slaps himself for being stupid enough to think that he’d be able to find Alex - small teenager, big city; he had no hope - and follows the path out.

He doesn’t stop looking though - maybe it’s force of habit, he isn’t quite sure - and he’s about a foot away from the exit gate when he spots a figure on a bench way off in the back.

He has a brief mental battle (Joe will kill him for being out late versus Alex needs him right now) before abandoning the gate and heading over.

He walks hesitantly - he’s still unsure as to whether it actually is Alex, not some psycho who’ll try and kill him, or something.

But then the figure starts twisting his honey brown hair in the same really irritating way that Alex does, and Jack’s positive it’s him. He breaks into a run and he’s over with the boy within a minute.

Alex doesn’t even look up. He just keeps staring out past Jack into the park.

Jack frowns at him and takes a seat beside him. He watches the older boy, who doesn’t even acknowledge that he’s even moved.

“I’m sorry.” Jack says, and his voice almost isn’t there, he’s so nervous.

Alex finally turns to look at him.

“Why are you apologizing? That’s my job.” He says softly, but there’s an element of sternness in his voice, “Besides, if you’re apologizing to anyone, it should be Aled.”

Jack stares at him as he looks away and stares back out into the park.

“I’m apologizing because that’s what normal people do in this sort of situation.” Jack replies, “And it’s not like I don’t need to. I was as much of a dick as you were.”

Alex frowns.

“Gee, thanks.”

“You know what I mean.” Jack answers, rolling his eyes. Alex smiles, and looks back at the younger.

“Why are you even here, though?” Alex asks quietly. Jack raises an eyebrow at him.

“Because, Alex, you’re the only boy that’s ever made me cry and laugh at the same time, and for different reasons.” Jack says simply.

It’s Alex’s turn to stare now and he regards Jack with an air of surprise.

“I’m really sorry.” He says weakly, and Jack feels his hand gently take hold of his, “And if you want me to leave you alone or whatever, then I will, and-”

Jack cuts him off before he starts rambling.

“If I wanted you to leave me alone, would I have come looking for you?”

Alex guesses he looks like a goldfish with hair right now, as his mouth is opening and closing but no words are coming out. Jack gently leans over and pushes his mouth closed.

“No, I wouldn’t.” Jack answers for him, “And because I’m here, that must mean that I care about you, mustn’t it?”

Alex nods.

“And I’m hoping that you writing down those two pages means you care about me too.”

Alex nods again, and squeezes Jack’s hand gently. He just can’t seem to find words right now.

“What do you suggest we do about this?” Jack asks as he moves closer to Alex.

“I know what I’d like to do about it, but it depends if you-” Alex starts, but Jack cuts him off again.

Only this time it’s by kissing him.

Alex is surprised for all of two seconds before he moves his free hand and gently strokes along Jack’s jawbone.

Jack smiles to himself, and he thinks Alex notices because he smiles too. He can feel it on the lips that are pressed to his. Jack twists his fingers in the folds of Alex’s shirt and smiles back, tugging on the shirt to pull him closer.

Alex smiles properly as he pulls away and drags Jack into his lap. The younger laughs a little, and all of a sudden Alex feels on top of the world. He doesn’t even know how Jack manages to make him feel this way; all he knows is that he somehow does.

Jack leans into Alex’s chest as the elder’s arms find his waist. Alex kisses the top of his head lightly and Jack shifts so he can kiss him properly.

Alex pulls back after a few seconds and looks at Jack through his lashes.

“I think I’d better get you home. After all, Joe doesn’t need another reason to hate me.” Alex mumbles, rising to his feet and pulling the younger up with him. Jack nods in response and slides his hand into Alex’s.

The walk to Jack’s home is fairly silent, not that that’s a bad thing. Jack occasionally glances over at Alex in an attempt to decipher what he’s thinking about, but it never works.

Alex is, in fact, pondering how many people will try and kill him if he screws this up.

They reach Jack’s house and the boy unlocks the door and pushes it open slightly. He moves back to Alex and hugs him close, and the elder meshes their lips together gently.

Jack pulls away, instructing Alex to call him later before he disappears inside with a new spring in his step. Joe sees this and smiles.

He hangs out of the front door and spots Alex nearing the end of the street.

“Nice work, Alex! You made him smile again!”
♠ ♠ ♠
finally, it's jalex time. ♥
it's only taken fifteen chapters. x]