Sequel: Long Distance.
Status: finished - sequel up.

Trophy Eyes.

six: reassure.

“You know, the Spring Dance is coming up soon.” Daniel states, leaning on the lockers as Aled rustles in his locker for something.

“Is it really?” He asks, not looking away from the insides of his locker. Of course he knew it was soon; Andrew would not shut up about the fact that he had no date.

“Yeah. Are you gonna go?”

“I don’t know.” Aled finds what he wants and pulls it victoriously from his locker. He frowns when he discovers that it’s not actually what he was looking for, throws it back in and carries on looking.

Jack sidles up beside them, transfixed by his cell phone once again.

“Who are you texting?” Daniel asks, even though he knows it’s Alex.

“Gaskarth.” is Jack’s reply.

“Typical.” Aled tuts, glancing at Jack only to receive the finger from the elder boy. Daniel stares at Jack and then looks across the hall. Alex is standing there, talking animatedly to Hayley.

“Uh, Jack? Alex is just across the hall. You could go, y’know, use your voice to talk to him.” Daniel says, confused.

“I know.” Jack replies, not looking up from his cell until he jabs the ‘send’ icon violently a few times “So what’s going down in lover boy city over here?”

Daniel glares at him, and Aled smacks him around the arm with the gym shoe he’d been hunting for over the past ten minutes.

Jack laughs, and glances down at his cell phone as it vibrates in his palm. He glowers across the hall at Alex - who has his arm around Hayley - and texts him back.

“How’s your relationship with whore boy going?” Daniel asks, smirking. Jack flips him the finger and walks off, looking wistfully over his shoulder at Alex.

“Someone’s in at the deep end.” Daniel says quietly. Aled smiles weakly in agreement and shuts his locker, clutching his backpack over one shoulder.


Aled slides inconspicuously into his seat beside Andrew in History class later that day. Jack sits two rows in front of them, and has his phone out under the desk.

“So it sucks to be Jack today.” Andrew says, looking at his best friend with a sad expression on his face.

“Mhmm.” Aled makes a noise of agreement, continuing to write his essay on the Cold War. He’s already covered this back home, so it’s not like he needs to pay attention.

“I swear Alex is just gonna use him if they get together.” Andrew mumbles, pretending to re-read his work. Aled glances over at him and sees the worried look in his blue-gray eyes.

“Andrew.” Aled says gently, placing a gentle hand on the other’s arm “You and I both know you’d never let that happen. You’d bust your ninja skills on his arse before he got chance.”

Andrew cracks a small smile and Aled smiles back.

“And maybe I’m not gonna be around to help if and when that day comes, but you’ll be able to handle it. I know you can.”

Andrew smiles for real now and Aled knows his work is done for now.


Aled’s at his locker during lunch break when Daniel appears beside him.

“Hey, Aled.” Daniel says, as the younger is once again rummaging in his locker - Daniel swears it’s all he ever does.

Aled pulls back from his locker and smiles, zipping his bag closed and looking at the American. He throws the bag over both shoulders. Daniel plays with his bangs nervously and mutters something under his breath.

“What?” Aled asks quietly, a small smile playing on his lips as he leans closer to Daniel.

“I said, I really, really like you. Please don’t hurt me.” Daniel repeats, shifting apprehensively on his feet and glancing at the Welsh boy.

Aled smiles gently and hugs Daniel.

“Why would I hurt you?”

“You’d think I was weird or something.” Daniel murmurs, and Aled simply pulls him closer. He leans back against his locker and Daniel looks down at him. His eyes flick from Daniel’s hazel eyes to his lips, and then back again. Daniel does the same - very briefly - and leans in to kiss the younger.

Aled smiles into the kiss and slides his hands gently to Daniel’s hipbones. Daniel smiles back and kisses back slightly harder. His hands slip to Aled’s neck, fingers twisting in the curly hair at the back of his neck.

Jack’s walking past to Geography - phone still glued to his hand, of course - and has to double take at the couple. He stares at them wide-eyed for a few seconds before Aled opens his olive eyes and sees him. Jack waves guiltily and attempts to run away, but not before Aled manages to flip the finger at him.

Daniel pulls away and rests his forehead against Aled’s. The Welsh boy smiles open mouthed at him and traces lines on the back of his neck.

It’s not the most perfect of circumstances - considering Aled will have to go back to Wales sooner or later - but it’s good enough for now.

When Jack comes blundering into Geography class, looking about ready to throw up, Andrew guesses something’s happened. Jack sits down in front of him and hurriedly scribbles something down on the inside cover of his Geography book.

Aled + Daniel = Ew. Mental scarring!
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random updates ftw. :D
also, it's Kids In Glass Houses pimpin' time. i figure some of you guys may like them, since their frontman's in this. :3 anyway, their new album, Dirt, is streaming on their myspace. check it.
also, as of sunday, an acoustic version of 'matters at all' is available on itunes UK. it's beautiful.
