Status: Whenever We Feel Like It


Background One

My name is Chiirai Ookami. I am an Eclipse Village ninja, and their only survivor. It's lonely being the last of your clan, but after a few years you get used to it, I suppose. But it's painful all the same. I remember losing my family clearly...

I sat on the couch, comfortable in my day-dreaming state. Mother busied herself in the kitchen, cooking a meal for father when he returned from the pack meeting. The Eclipse Lykenthropes recently had a meeting the the Sand Kazekage, for they had been having complaints from their own villages who were uncomfortable having my race so close to their homes. The Elder basically told them to deal with it, and now we were on the brink of war.

"Dinner's ready!" Mother called. Brother jogged down the stairs, happily oblivious, as the rest of us, as to what would happen mere minutes after that call. No one knew, except for Orochimaru. The snake.

We all circled around the table as Mother set it up. Father walked in then, a grin upon his face. He went and embraced his mate, telling her he had missed her for the hours he had been gone.

"Father, I--" My greeting was cut off as a cry of alarm rang through the village. Everyone ran out in a panic. Our warriors were tired from the long walk and they hadn't eaten in a long while. If it was the Sand Village we would not live.

But it wasn't, it was something worse. Something much, much worse. Orochimaru of the Sound.

"What do you want?" The Elder questioned in his raspy, cracked voice. I wasn't able to hear anymore. Mother turned to me and told me to run. Brother was old enough to be a warrior, and therefore he had to fight for his village. I was merely eight, and any pup like I had to hide when a battle broke out, for the safety of the Clan.

So I hid in the back of the house, near the secret exit. Battle sounds broke out, and as did the wrank smell of blood. I covered my nose and tears bubbled in my eyes. I waited for what seemed like and hour. I waited until silnce greeted me. My heart thudded in my ears and I knew I needed to run, it was no longer safe.

~5 Years later.

I was thirteen now, living in the cold no where of the Snow village. No one wanted to take in a lycan, who would? We were monsters who shifted into an animal. It wasn't right. It was against all the laws of nature.

So I lived on my own, taking whatever food I could from whoever dared pass by me with food. I ate a lot, actually. It was rather nice. I slept in my wolf form each night to keep warm. I never had much money to get any decent clothes. All I really had was a hoodie and a t-shirt, jeans, sneakers and a few fishnets. That was all that kept me from the bitter cold.

I ran my numb fingers through my wavy brown hair and gaze at the snow with chocolate eyes. Kuroitsuki, my black wolf I'd befriended after running away from my village, stood faithfully by my side, glaring around and protecting me from anyone who approached. I clutched my bag that held my only possessions, such as my family heirloom; a scythe named Chikama.

I turned with Tsuki into an alleyway where we would sleep for the night. Then Tsuki was jumped by a large white tiger. Tsuki fought valiantly, biting at the tigers neck.

"Tsuki!" I cried.

"Oh! Darn it; Shirochii! Up! Off!" An other-land ninja gripped the tigers scruff and pulled it off of Tsuki. I ran forward and gripped Tsuki. My hand glowed green as I healed the gashes. I looked up at the konoichi and it was so obvious she was from another land; the was bundled up in multiple layers of clothes.

"I'm so sorry, she was just protecting me, is all..."

"S'okay, I guess," I sighed, "Nothing fatal."

"Yeah... er... my name's Kasumi." She said, extending her hand. When I didn't take it she pulled it back and ran it through her blue hair, "Uh, I'm looking for Zabuza Momochi, have you seen him?" She danced on her toes, trying to keep warm and her tiger panted by her side.

"No, I haven't. Last thing I heard about him, he was killed for a mission by a Leaf nin." I shrugged and pulled Tsuki up into a standing position.

"Wha--? Darn it!" She growled, punching the brick in her anger.

"What do you want that low-life for?" I asked.

"I just want to rip off his head." She shrugged.

"Lovely. Well, that's exactly what I want to do to Orochimaru." I stated.

"I'm really sorry that Shirochii attacked your wolf..." She wrapped her arms around herself.

"It's fine. Where are you staying tonight?"

"Over in the lodge over there... would you like to join me?"

And we were friends ever since.
♠ ♠ ♠
My friend and I wrote this as something to write when we were bored, and now we're posting it on here. YAY!

Love Always,