Status: I think I may take this down... not sure yet.

Hope Forgotten

Chapter 2

Sighing I walked back to the room that had been mine now for fifty years. Sighing once again I started packing the little I had. 
"What are you doing here Matt?" I whispered. 
"It may have taken me awhile but I found you. I came to take you home." he replied. 
Turning to look at him, I saw the small smile on his face. 
"I have no home Matt. This is the closest thing i've had to a home for fifty years, and you just killed the only reason I'm still alive." I snarled. 
"What do you mean he's the only reason you're still alive?! He's kept you locked up in this place for fifty years, away from your family and friends!" he hissed. 
"Yes away from my family and friends but safe from the men that want my head on a platter. You remember the men after you and your little buddies, they like to go after family and loved ones. Why don't you ask Brian what happened last time he saw me." I sneered. 
"Why," he asked voice considerably softer, "what happened?" 
"Like I said ask him." I said. Turning my back so he wouldn't see the tear that was rolling down my cheek. 
"Brian and I don't talk much anymore" Matt whispered. 
"Why's that?" I questioned already knowing the answer. 
"I didn't want to be the one to tell you. Brian... he... he married Sarah." he spoke just as softly. 
"Yes, I know but why aren't you speaking to him?" I asked. 
"He betrayed me. You were engaged to marry him before this. He should have waited for you, not married our sister." he sighed. 
Nodding my head I pulled on my cloak, turning with my bag slung over my shoulder. Matt had his head bowed, staring at the floor. 
"If you expect to get home by nightfall then we better get going Matt." I sighed. 
Matt's head raised quickly. 
"You mean you're actually going to come back with me?" he asked, slightly stunned. 
"Well I obviously can't stay here, you killed the man who owns the house." I said, rolling my eyes. 
Matt smiled and walked forward hugging me so tightly that I couldn't breath. He gave me one last squeeze before finally letting go and grabbing my bag off my shoulder. 
"Lets head out." Matt smirked, and just like that we were running. Heading for a home that had long forgotten me, and a kingdom that was rightfully mine to rule. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep here's another.
Should I keep writing this?