Status: I think I may take this down... not sure yet.

Hope Forgotten

Chapter 3

Fifty years ago

Brian and I were walking down the path we always took back to the house, when I heard something rustling in the bushes. I thought nothing of it, figuring it was probably just a rabbit. We kept walking in the comfortable silence we were known for, we could talk for hours then say nothing. It never mattered our love was strong enough to stand anything... or so I thought. 
I didn't see it coming one second we were walking the next a sword was pressed to my throat and an arm was holding me to a man's chest. 
"So nice to see you Brian, and you too princess. You shouldn't be out walking this late. Don't you know it's dangerous." the man chuckled darkly, pressing me more tightly to his chest. 
"Let her go Jason, she had no buisness in our feud." Brian snarled. 
"She has everything to do with it," he laughed. "She is the princess and your fiancée." 
Brian's eyes started to glow a bright red. 
"Ah, ah, ah," the man laughed, "You wouldn't want to lose your cool Brian. I am in control here. Now this is what is going to happen, you are going to watch me walk away with the princess. You are going to go back to your kingdom and let them know that the princess is being held by me. I give you my word, my oath that nothing will happen to her. I will keep her safe, but she is mine now, I will take her as a trade our feud will be over and the kingdom will be yours. What do you say Brian?"
I knew at that moment I was going to leave with this man, Brian's eyes had flashed green. I knew he was going to take the deal. Brian glanced at me I knew that my eyes were a deep blue at the moment, I knew he could see the pain that this was causing me. 
"Deal." Brian whispered, and just like that I was a slave, and the mysterious man had become my master. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys
another chapter
I wanted you to see how she got into this mess to begin with
please tell me what you think