Status: May be slow to update. Concentrating on other stories.


The Attack.

I hiccuped loudly as I waved goodbye to Maisey...or was it Daisy? Whatever, it was near enough.

The party was still going strong, laughter and shouts spilled out of the door as I walked down the path. Now that I was alone, I felt anxious about the walk back...I mean, it was at least half an hour, if not more.

Don't get me wrong because I'm not a wimp, I've walked home plenty of times by myself but tonight...I just had a strange feeling, it was sort of eerie and I didn't like it one bit.

I swiftly checked my watch and groaned into the cold night air, my breath rising in front of my face in a fog. It was like two in the morning!

The sounds of the party, the music and chatter, had faded away by now and it creeped me out even more. I could hear myself panting as I rushed along the empty streets, trying to distract myself from every little noise. I don't know why, I just felt like something was gonna jump me or whatever.

'Sam is so gonna kill me!' I whined, managing to quicken my pace. Though I couldn't see any kind of threat, my instincts had sharpened and they were telling me differently...that there was something out there to be afraid of.

I actually almost let out a yelp when I heard a shuffling noise from behind me. When I spun around though, there was nothing there except for a few crisp packets and leaves blowing in the wind. Maybe that's what was making the noise?

As I nervously carried on walking, there were more sounded louder and closer now. In fact, it was like a snuffling. All I could think of was 'Oh God, please don't let me pee myself.' because if someone was planning on mugging me, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be able to contain their laughter, no matter what crime they were committing.

Somehow, as the noise grew unbearably close, I mustered up whatever courage I had left and stopped altogether. I turned around as a last ditch attempt to make myself seem brave and to face whatever was following me.

What I hadn't banked on was for it to be some sort of animal. It was massive, yellow eyes glowed brightly as they stared at me intently. Saliva slowly dripped from it's chin and onto the pavement, a string of it breaking away and drifting into the creatures dark, matted fur.

It rose to it's hind legs and I almost legged it, the only thing stopping me was my fear. It took a slow step towards me, the paw dragging slightly across the floor. I could hear the click of it's claws and that sound alone snapped me out of my stupor.

I took off, the sound of my trainers beating hard into the ground was echoing around me...I could hear the...the wolfs paws padding behind me, like a rhythm. I urged my legs to carry me faster.

Sweat slid down my nose and I hastily rubbed it away as I bolted around the corner, the wolf was no longer in sight when I glanced back.

I let out a sigh of relief as I leaned against the wall, trembling. That couldn't be real. Why the hell would a wolf be in the streets? Surely it should be in the wild...and I was pretty sure I'd never seen a wolf like that in the zoo, so the thing escaping was definitely not an option.

As my heart rate returned to normal, I pulled away from the wall and looked up...right into the yellow eyes of the wolf.

It pounced on me, I could feel it's claws digging into my shirt and sinking into my chest. It's hot breath swirled onto my face, a feral snarl pierced the silence.

'Oh God.' I thought. 'It's going to kill me, it's actually going to kill me.

The wolf opened it's mouth and I flinched, knowing what was about to happen. Seconds later, an agonising pain erupted in my shoulder and I let out a scream that I never knew I had in me. It was bloodcurdling.

Still, the beast continued ripping into me. My clothes were being torn away and I felt warmth creeping over my body...blood.

A motorbike roared in a nearby street and the wolf stopped, probably in shock at the noise. It gave one last look at me and faded back into the darkness, leaving me injured and bleeding on the floor.
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Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran popped into my head as I wrote this. Yes, it is quite sad for me to like it.