Status: Activio

Another Day in the Week

Hot Mess

"Hey Thurs. Glad you could come fast. Where's Kayla?" Sam looked around for her while I stole some glances at my new boss. Sigh.

He was tan, well muscled, and had short, dark spiky brown hair. He looked as if he could run miles without stopping. He was about 5'9", towering over my 5'3" frame. He was dressed in the "managers black": black shoes, black polo, and black pants. He had a tattoo of thorns in a ring around his bicep and bleach white teeth.

Overall, he looked menacing.

As I was about to explain to Sam why Kayla believes that hair is more important than her job, I spotted a new waitress hiding behind The Boss.

Sure, they all come and go for quick money but this one looks as if she's done this before.

She was beach blond, had a tight figure, and looked as though she found the Hot Mess outfit. She wore a name tag that read "Sookie". She looked lost in thought.

"It’s okay. She's just fixing her hair. I'm guessing it'll be another hour or so."

"Okay. Well, this is Sam. He's your new boss. He says he and Sookie are from...?"

"Texas." they both answered.

Sookie glanced at Sam and giggled. He tried not to notice and straightened up a little. Hm. Couples?

"Neat. So, is it colder here or in Texas? What are your hobbies? Favorite bands? Colors? What kind of duck do you prefer, red or yellow?"

They looked confused.

"It's colder here, only one... type of hobby I suppose. I love The Cab, orange, and ducks?"

"A tradition between the waitresses. We give each other ducks during the holidays."

"And the manager?" Sam asked.

I smiled.

"Gets us chocolate. Don't worry, we'll get you some socks or something."

"Yeah, can I trade that in for some porn? Ouch! Sookie I was joking."

"Gr." awe, what a sweet way of communicating.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't introduce myself yet. I'm Thursday."

"Haha, it’s okay. I can't wait to see what you’re all like. Who's this Kay-" Sam got cut off by a large black woman running into the room.

"I’m here! I'm here!" Kayla ran in the room with perfect hair.

"And this is Kayla." I snickered. "Hey Kay, this is Sam, our new boss and Sookie, the new waitress. They're from Texas."

"Cool." Kayla went over and checked them out to see if they were Hot Mess material.

"Welcome to our humble abode, Hot Mess. You've handled a dance club before?" her eyes were sparkling with ideas. Dangerous ideas. Oh shit.

"Yep. Only it was a smaller bar called "Merlottes" and was mostly a beer place. Always wanted to do a more... crazed bar."

Oh boy.

Small town bar keeper with little waitress up into a crazy loud-music-dance-on-tables bar? Sam wouldn’t do this to us, right?

"Okay. Here's the key, contract, and list of people with their shifts. I'll check back here in a day or five. Bye. Call me or talk to Thursday if you have any questions. She pretty much runs this place. Off to Maiami."

He looked at me and said, “Oh, and Dean says, ‘Hi’.”

And so he left.

Sam is pretty impulsive like this. At one point he almost tried to make Hot Mess into a country bed and breakfast. I then feed him beer and told the planner to fuck off.

I turned to my new team, all ready taking up my position as the unofficial manager.

"So, let's set up for the night. Lafayette's in the kitchen already cooking and Brendon’s organizing drinks."

This is going to be an interesting shift.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awlright betches. I only wrote up to the sixth chapter, so you may have a pre warned hiatus coming up...going to a new school and the like so ill be busting my butt on homework.

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