Status: Hardly in Progress...

All About Valentine's Day

Chapter 1: The Mall

“What am I going to do for her?!” Justin whined once again as he walked in the mall with his two friends.
“Dude, that’s like the two-hundredth time you’ve asked that,” Ryan said, completely annoyed.
“And every time we have offered an idea, but no! Our ideas aren’t good enough for Lucy,” Christian answered also, equally annoyed.
“Well, she’s my everything ya know? I want this to be right and perfect,” Justin said, as they came to the stair railing to slide down. They always preferred to slide rather than escalade.
“No, I don’t really know, ya know?” Ryan said sadly, mocking Justin.
“I feel the same,” Christian agreed.
The two were on the prowl this Valentine’s Day and every remotely pretty girl they saw was a prime girlfriend for them.
“What do you think he is gonna think of?” Lucy asked her two friends as they walked past Macy’s in the mall. (The same mall the boys were at, but they were not aware of that.)
“I don’t know, Lucy!” Nadia whined.
“Lu, you should just be thankful you have a boyfriend!” Alina told her.
Nadia and Alina were crushing on Ryan and Christian.
Alina was Christian's age (two years younger than the others) and she fancied everything about him.
Nadia felt the same about Ryan, even though he was a very picky, jerk-ish guy.
“You’re right,” Lucy sighed, “I’m sorry; and I’m sure the guys will realize how much they need you in their lives!” Lucy said positively.
“Oh yeah, cause that’s likely to happen,” Nadia said, flipping her dark brown curls out of her face.
“Hey, ya never know what cupid will do on Valentine’s Day!” Lucy said putting her arms around her two friends on either side of her and walking proudly along the stores in the mall.
The guys were sitting on one of the couches in the middle of the food court just scoping out all the hot girls that passed them by.
“Whoa! That chick is smokin’!” Ryan pointed out a girl with unusually large boobs, 5 inch high heeled boots, dark jet-black hair, and very, very tight skinny jeans with a low cut top that made the boobs seem obvious.
“Yeah but she looks like she’s 24 years old, Ry,” Christian pointed out.
“Ha, and look at super buff boyfriend coming up and grabbing her butt,” Justin pointed out.
A seriously buff and mean looking guy came up and did just that and she wrapped her arm around him and they walked off together.
They all laughed and a couple minutes later, 3 girls with their backs to them walked up to the Subway in the food court.
“Hey guys! Look at them! They look about our age right?” Christian noticed them first.
“Yeah!” Ryan then whistled and said, “And look at the girl with the dark curls, she’s a hotty with body!” He noticed her jeans that hugged her hips perfectly.
“The short dirty blonde one is a cutie,” Christian pointed out.
Justin looked up and immediately noticed Lucy’s highlighted and dyed, blonde hair, her perfect figure, and her colorful converse. He just smirked and said nothing as Christian and Ryan went on about Nadia and Alina. He knew they both needed to go out with them.
“Wow they are pretty,” Ryan said, admiring Nadia.
Justin then burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Christian asked.
“Look at your hotties with bodies again,” he said between laughs.
The two turned back to their mystery girls and watched as they turned around to reveal the familiar faces of their good friends Nadia and Alina.
“Holy crap,” Ryan said shocked.
“I cannot believe we were checking out our best friends,” Christian said.
Justin burst out laughing again.
“Why didn’t you tell us it was them?!” Ryan yelled at the boy rolling on the couch clutching his stomach.
“You should have seen your faces!” Justin said, cracking up and wiping an imaginary tear away.
Christian and Ryan groaned.
Justin then sprung up and ran over to his girlfriend.
He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her small waist from behind and laid his chin on her shoulder. She jumped a little as he did so.
“Hey shawty,” he said smoothly.
“Justin? Oh god, you scared me!” she said putting her hands on his hands that were holding her to him.
Ryan and Christian came up then and Nadia and Alina’s faces brightened.
“Oh geez, get a room Bieber,” Ryan said, rolling his eyes.
Nadia giggled.
“Nah,” he objected, kissing Lucy’s cheek, and letting go of her waist to stand by her side and take her hand in his.
“So what are you guys doing here?” Alina asked.
“Oh just listening to Ryan and Christian check out-,” but he was cut off by Ryan kicking his shin.
He yelped and Ryan said, “Potential Valentine’s dates!” Instead of letting Justin say “Nadia and Alina”.
Lucy eyed them suspiciously and Nadia and Alina had looks on their faces that said, “What was that about?”
“Um, ok then,” Nadia said.
“Well we gotta eat, wanna sit with us?” Lucy asked them.
“Sure if you don’t mind,” Justin agreed.
The six of them walked to a table and sat down. The girls opened their sandwiches and started to eat and talk to the boys.
Once they were all finished, they threw their trash away and headed out to walk around the rest of the mall.
Justin and Lucy walked side by side, hand in hand, and the others just walked behind them. When Justin and Lucy were together, they didn’t notice anyone else around them.
“Those two lovers are so annoying,” Nadia sighed, letting her jealously peek out.
“Oh, jealous much?” Ryan joked.
“So what if I am?” she said back. The four of them stopped and let Lucy and Justin walk out of sight as they sat on some couches in the middle of the walkway.
“Why do they never have real plants in malls?” Alina asked, completely out of the blue.
“What does that have to do with jealousy?” Christian asked her, sitting by her side on the couch.
“Nothing actually, I just wanted to know,” she said simply.
They all laughed and looked around as a silence came over them. The mall was not quiet though, so it wasn’t an awkward silence.
“Well now that we’ve lost those two, what are we gonna do?” Christian asked, looking at the others.
“I don’t know, what do you want to do?” Nadia asked them.
“I don’t know,” Ryan answered.
Alina just shrugged.
Well that was going to be fun for them.
♠ ♠ ♠
I do not own Ryan, Christian, or Justin. (T-T)
I do own the girls however.
And I do not know when the next chapter will be out because I'm working on 12 Reasons and I'm going to cowrite a Justin Fanfic with amazingirl47 here soon! :D
So comment!!! :)