Happy Birthday with the boy you know

Happy Birthday

December 2009

“Hello?” he whispers.

“Umm. Is it a bad time?” I ask.

“Umm. Yeah. I’m sorry baby. But, I’ve got to go for now. Love you.”

“Love you too. When can I-” he hung up. I sigh out of aggravation. He’s avoiding me. Why though? I fall back onto my bed and look up and look at the Taylor Lautner poster I have.

“Tiana!” I ran down the stairs and grabbed my laptop off the counter and sat on the couch as I logged into Facebook. “Yes! She’s on!.”

Karamie: Tiana help me please!
Tiana: Karamie??? Calm down…..what’s wrong first, and does it call for force of violence???
Karamie: He is avoiding me!!!
Tiana: Oh…..umm, well seeing as you like him I’m guessing violence is out, huh? Well, he could just be busy doing something…
Karamie: Yeah, but he doesn’t call me at ALL!
Tiana: I am gonna be @ the mall @ 2pm seeing as my mommy is going to be @ an office party. So can u meet me there? <3
Karamie: Yeah! Ok
Tiana: Keep calm until then, k? See you in an hour and a half <3 <3 <3
Karamie: Thanks Tiana
Tiana: Ha ha! Don’t thank me yet? 3:)
Karamie: Umm. Should I be afraid?
Tiana: What do you think???

I sighed aggravated again. Turned on the TV and nothing was on. So, I just kept skipping through the channels.

“Lost Boys!” So, of course I turned it on and out in the pin #. I tried to grab my kitty and she hit the remote and I saw the time.

“Uh-oh. 1:42 pm.” I put my kitty back down and ran up to my room to pick out an outfit. I put on my new shoes that I know Tiana loves. Hopefully she doesn’t take them. I giggle at the thought. I grab the first pair of jeans I see and a blue top. Then, I run into the bathroom and get washed up.

I grab my wallet off the foot of my bed and as I step down on the last step I see Paul and squeal falling and hitting my arm on the couch.

“Good one, Karamie.” I mutter to myself thankful no one is home to see that other than my kitties.

I run till I cross the street at the intersection and then I walk feeling a little winded. I decide to take the short way and go through the woods and the neighborhood and take a left at the gas station. I run down to the bus stop and walk all the way till I am in the mall.

I look and see Tiana walking to a table but then she sees me and runs. I walk faster until I am where she was a second ago. I look around and see she is gone. Then, I get a scary being-watched feeling. Then, somebody pokes me and I squeal and turn around to see Tiana with a happy grin on her face. Before she bursts out laughing.
“You should seriously see your face. I apologize.” I smacked her on the arm and she yelped and pouted.

“I said I was sorry.”

“Well, now we’re even.”

“Well, you go get yourself something to eat and I will go to the restroom.” I nodded and she ran. She must have really had to go.

Tiana’s POV

Oh thank god. I walked into the barber shop and saw him. He had just finished his hair cut. I ran inside the mall cause I thought he was still in there. I walk up to him. He smiles when he sees me. But, then he becomes afraid.

“ You have to make yourself invisible right now. Cause I invited your girlfriend here. And I didn’t know you were going to be here. “

“I just thought to cut my hair. It was getting a little long.”

“Well, long or not you have to get going before she sees you, okay?” he nods. And walks out the other way.

“See you tomorrow at her house.” he says walking around the other way through the door right next to the barber shop.

I sigh thankfully and run back to Karamie.

Karamie's POV

“You took a little long. You feel alright?”

“Oh ha ha. Yes I am fine. I couldn’t choose which stall to go in.”


“Well, the first one was shiny. But, the water was a little off. But, the next stall had a-” I cut her off before she could mentally damage me.

“Well, I’m gonna get me some food.“ she said. She got up and quickly got her food. She came back with a meat lovers pan pizza and a medium soda. We ate and talked about random things and the differences between our brothers and the similarities. We walked over to the skate rink and I taught Tiana how to play Modern Warfare 2. Then, we played air hockey and we ended up in a tie for the winner. Tiana led me to the playground. We ended up playing in the snow making snow angels and tag. We called Tiana’s mom to tell her to pick Tiana up at my house. We walked to my house and sung Tik Tok all the way there.

We ran into Kwan’s sisters and they started throwing snowballs and Tiana being the child she is ended up fighting them. It ended when they climbed over our hiding spot and dumped the blanket of snow on the top of the play thing on us. I unlocked the door and glared at my brother when he saw us because he was finst to start laughing. He settled for a smirk on his face.

“Stupid children. They should really grow up and learn to respect there elders.” she said between shivers as she took of her coat and shoes. We played Modern Warfare 2 with my brother until my mom and dad came home.

Tiana’s mom had called saying she had forgotten that Tiana was here. Tiana conveniently already having clothes and pajamas in the little backpack she had with her got to stay the night. I got a suspicious feeling but then let it go and went downstairs to see Tiana having a stare down with my kitty.
I put on Transformers 2 and we all got quiet and one by one we fell asleep.

The next day it was preperations for my birthday party. Tiana left to go get my present ready as she said and get another pair of clothes.


I woke up mad at him. Cause it was my Birthday and I still haven’t seen him. I woke up Tiana and she saw the look on my face and tried to cheer me up.

“I could always kill him for you. You know I can gut a guy with a plastic spoon anytime, anyplace.” Tiana says. She grabs a tissue and hands it to me.

“I just don’t understand why he keeps avoiding me. He says he loves me. But, since Christmas, if I call him his mom picks up or he is busy. I am not the kind of girl to just sit around and be treated like this.”

“That’s right. Let’s watch Flatliners. It will make you feel better.”

“But, my birthday!” I whined. “ He’s gonna ruin it!” My phone rang and Tiana reaches for it.

“Hello. Hey. Yes. Sure. Bye.” Tiana hangs up the phone and looks at me like she just won something.

“What the freak! Was that him! Why didn’t you give it to me?! Aah!” I jumped on Tiana and started shaking her like a rag doll.

“Babe!” He yells opening the door hearing Tiana’s screams. He runs over to me and pulls me off.

“And you!” I yell before I start smacking his arms.

“Surprise! You mad woman!!!” Tiana says grabbing air. I look at him and see he has a bow on his head.

“You will be spending your birthday at his house. But, your folks will think you’re at my place after your party.

“Happy Birthday!” they both say. “And Happy New Years he says pulling me into a kiss.

“I’ll be back in one hour.” Tiana said. I yelled to ask where she was going but she was already gone. For one hour.

My brother came down and looked confused.

“Tiana turned into a guy. I’ll just head back to my room.” I looked down embarrassed and red faced. Once he was up stairs I kissed him. And kissed him, and kissed him, and kissed him. Then, he explained how it was his idea and Tiana just helped him. He left to get ready for the party and Tiana came back as he walked out the door.

“Bye Lover Boy!” she yelled making him turn to face a ball of snow.


My party was awesome and I was happy. All my friends my gifts. But, in the end my favorite gift was standing in front of me pulling me into his room.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to a very .... friend.