‹ Prequel: King of Hearts
Status: Active


Chapter Ten

I woke up for the second time that day in an unknown place. There was dim lighting coming from a few candles hanging by ropes on the ceiling. Underneath me I felt the comfort of a bed with plush pillows and warm blankets.

Oddly enough, I wasn't under the blankets, simply placed on top. Carefully, being weary of my surroundings, I stood from the bed and walked over to the curtains. They were a dark crimson color with golden tassels hanging down.

I gently touched the fabric with two fingers, feeling the soft yet stiff texture of the material. I then pulled the curtains back, only to see more wall behind them.

A disappointed sigh escaped my lips, as I was hoping to see outside, to maybe have some sort of idea of where I was.

"Ah ah ah, no that won't do." I once again heard Gabe's voice. "We can't have you looking out the window, that would ruin the surprise!" he took the curtain from my hands and placed it back against the wall.

"What window? It's just a wall..." Gabe gave me a questioning look, as if I was the insane one, and I couldn't help but stare back at him into his gorgeous eyes.

I felt like I was falling, hurdling down as he held my gaze, and yet somehow my feet were still on the floor. His eyes gleamed in a way that made me think of the moon, the same crescent moon the matches his mad grin.

It made me think back to when I first arrived here. I think it was only a day or two ago, but it feels like it's been so much longer. I could just about feel the intense pain of the beating I'd received, then the dizzying affect of the forest spinning and coming into focus around me.

That was when I saw Gabe for the first time, when I reached up and felt him somehow from where I lay on the damp leaves.

"So, my lovely Ryan," Gabe began speaking again. "Are you deaf, or did you choose to ignore me saying I had a surprise for you?" a surprise? "Most people would be happy to hear about a surprise for them."

"Well I guess I'm not like most people." I said, looking him in the eyes and frowning slightly. "Besides, if you told me about the surprise, wouldn't it not be a surprise anymore?" Gabe laughed hysterically, as he seemed to like doing after I spoke.

I rolled my eyes, but let him continue laughing. I didn't think it was possible to reason with him.

"Rybear," he said through his laughter, "It's only a surprise if you let it be a surprise. Whether or not you know what it is is up-" he touched my nose? "-to-" again... "-you!" and one last time.

He left his finger there, and I crossed my eyes to see his long, tan finger resting on the tip of my nose. "Did I ever mention that your makeup looks beautiful?" He whispered, looking intensely at my face.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion, wondering why he said there was makeup on my face. I mean, I had washed all the stage makeup off already. And even if not all of it came off, there was no way it looked good anymore.

But sure enough, he removed his finger from my face and spun me around to face a dresser, with a mirror perched on top.

Somehow, my hair was perfectly intact in it's so-called 'ry-hawk', and the immaculate design on my face was miraculously still intact.

Each eye was surrounded in a thin- but very noticeable- line of silver, and then the whole eye area was covered in blue. Black lines and swirls were coming out of the blue area, directing someone's attention all across my face.

I got lost in the lines, shocked that somehow they were still there. I thought I'd scrubbed at least most of the eyeliner and eye shadow off! Hell, I'd even seen the coloring from the makeup run down my hands and arms with the water I'd used to wash my face!

There was no way it could still be there! And yet, somehow, it was.

"So beautiful. It seems to drown your eyes, and make them pop at the same time." Gabe whispered right in my ear. I jumped, startled by his interruption of my thoughts, but settled down again when he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You're not even human, love. You're more like a canvas, a piece of art." his voice was so intense, made even more so by his mouth's close proximity to my face.

I felt his breath wash over the side of my neck, and down to the exposed part of my chest. I was almost glad I was wearing a v-neck, as the tingling sensation I got from him was so delightful.

His breath was warm, but cool at the same time. It was both delicate and refreshing, hard and soft, all at the same time.

I breathed in the smell deeply, reveling in the feeling the smell gave me as it swirled around in my brain.

"So, Ryro." my cheeks flushed when I held back a moan at the sound of his voice. "How about I take you to your surprise?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I AM SORRY it took me so long to post this. Truth be told, my parents have kept me fucking busy this summer, and I've had a problem with my legs, so that took a lot of my concentration off of things. It didn't really help that I was taking Benedryl, which either left me in a daze, or sleeping. So... I hope to have more updates soon, but in another week my parents are sending me to camp for THREE weeks, and then there's only a matter of days before I return to school :/
ANYWAY... i'd like to really stress the fact that I'm really sorry, and this chapter should have come a lot sooner. I hope people still care about this story :/

THANK YOU for reading :D I love you all :3 Comment please? Tell me if I need to fix anything?
