‹ Prequel: King of Hearts
Status: Active


Chapter Seven

It was another hour or so before I decided to emerge from my room. I was tired still, and somewhat stunned from Gabe's visit earlier. I wasn't quite sure what to make of him, but I knew thinking about it would damage my head.

I had fixed my clothes, the dark green v-neck and black skinny jeans, then wiped at my face with a cloth I'd dampened in the improvised fountain. I hoped all the makeup I'd been wearing was wiped off, but due to the lack of a mirror, there was no way to know for sure.

I looked around the room, trying to think of something else to do that would take up time. I wasn't sure if someone was going to come for me, and bring me somewhere, but I didn't want to just sit here and wait.

I suppose a few minutes passed by- though they felt like hours- before I got sick of standing around. "Fuck this." I muttered, turning on my heels and walking out the door.

I walked aimlessly for a while, not having any idea where I was going. The halls were empty besides the occasional butterfly or ray of sunlight that would gleam in the air.

I walked and walked for so long, waiting for something to catch my attention. While just yesterday everything was new, interesting, and exciting for me, today it was almost as if I couldn't admire my surroundings.

It was as if my body was on auto-pilot, and my brain was just along for the ride. I walked with a purpose that didn't let itself known to my mind.

The hallways started looking more and more familiar, and when I stepped out into the courtyard where I'd been yesterday, I felt a sense of relief. There was still smoke pouring out from the gazebo, and the way it distorted the light piercing through it intrigued me, pulling me in.

When I stepped into the cloud of smoke, I coughed, clenching my eyes shut and attempting to wave the wispy substance from around my head. It was suffocating my vision as I opened my eyes again, but for some reason I felt like I had to stand in there.

I felt again like I had a specific purpose, though I had no idea what it was.

It took a minute or two for me to notice, but the smoke started thinning, reveling the same couple that sat there the previous day. Cassadee and Hayley, if I remember correctly.

They sat on the bench, one on the other's lap, kissing with everything they had. I didn't interrupt, as I didn't know what I wanted to say. I had a yearning for the extraordinary, but what part of it, I couldn't say.

I stood, mesmerized by the smoke surrounding me, for what seemed like days. It felt like the sun and moon were spinning around me, and yet my own mind wouldn't work.

Finally, after I seemingly aged many years, Hayley and Cassadee pulled apart. They stared into each other's eyes, a silent conversation, before turning to look at me pointedly.

"Who do you think you are, standing there for almost 15 minutes while we're trying to have fun?" Hayley said, glaring at me with her messed up, fiery orange hair falling in her eyes.

So it had only been 15 minutes. It felt like so much more...

"I-I'm sorry... I guess I d-didn't really h-have a p-purpose for coming here... I-I'll just go now..." I said, stumbling backwards.

Cassadee laughed, turning her body to face me, situating herself between Hayley's legs. "Don't be silly, Ryan. You're our guest! Don't listen to Hayles, she's a debbie downer." she said, giggling.

Hayley pouted, but was consoled by a single kiss on her lips. "So," Cassadee began, facing me once more. "Why come to us?" She asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion.

"I mean, really. Why? Who in the right mind would come visit us... I thought people from the real world are supposed to be sane and stuff..." she said, continuing to mumble to herself quietly.

I couldn't make out the words, but I simply watched as Hayley lifted her gently, and sat her down on the cushioned seat. Cassadee seemed to be having a conversation with herself, the expression on her face changing every few seconds.

It was an odd sight, but I wasn't able to think on it for long. Hayley grabbed my upper arm, forcefully, but not to hurt me. It was more... a way of giving me a silent message. She didn't want me to be looking at her girlfriend.

I was pulled d own to the steps of the gazebo, and we sat on the floor with our feet in the grass. "So..." she said, breaking my concentration the ground. "Who is this Ryan Ross person I keep hearing so much?"
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while... some shit has happened :/
BUUUUT I'm starting to write again :D so yay!!!