Status: Finished. :]

The Distance Between Us


“I love you,” Maika whispered. I pulled the blanket over my head and mumbled something incoherent. He chuckled and pulled the blanket down to softly kiss my lips.

“Five more minutes?” I asked, trying to pull the blanket up again. “I’m naked.”

Maika started laughing. There was a knock on the door. “Are you people dressed?” Chris asked through the door.

“I’M NAKED!” I shouted.

“She’s under a blanket,” Maika laughed. The door opened and Chris came in. I successfully pulled the blanket over my head again and smiled triumphantly. “What do you need?”

“Well, we were hoping that you’d be ready to leave soon, but that’s obviously not happening, now is it?”

Maika pulled the blanket back down. “Maika is naked too,” I grinned.

Chris shook his head as Kylie came into the room. “Mel, get your naked ass out of bed and get dressed. We’re leaving soon.”

I glared at her. “Why didn’t I think of trying that?” Chris asked.

“Get out,” Maika said. Chris and Kylie rolled their eyes at us before they left the room.

“I’m still naked,” I grinned. “And you love it!” My eyes widened. “I don’t have my clothes!” Maika got up and started getting dressed. I copied his example, stealing one of his shirts.

I kissed him when I was finally dressed and quickly said my goodbyes before I went to find my bandmates.

“Mel! We were just about to leave!” Cadence exclaimed.

“Not without me, you aren’t.”

“HOME SHOW TONIGHT!” Kylie exclaimed.

“Nice bruises,” Brooklyn commented.

I blushed. “Shut up.”

“So how was it?” Savana asked with a smirk. “We all KNOW you did it.”

“MY EARS!” Kylie screamed. “MY EARS!”

I rolled my eyes. “Shut the fuck up, Kylie. I had to listen to EVERYTHING you told us about what you and Chris did.” She wiggled her eyebrows and smiled contently.

“Tell us!” Brooklyn exclaimed.

I smirked. “I’m not speaking a word of it.” We got in the elevator and were soon leaving the hotel.

“Blue,” Cadence muttered. “Why did you get the blue kind?”

“They were out of the kind you wanted,” Brooklyn shrugged as she twisted open the lid of her Mountain Dew. “Besides, we’ll be there in an hour and then you can go buy the kind of energy drink you want.” Brooklyn stuck her tongue out at Cadence before she took a sip of her soda.

“Mel, you haven’t said a word in the past three hours,” Kylie said as she grabbed my phone from my hands. I slapped her and grabbed it back. “What’s going through your head?”

I shook my head and pressed a few buttons on my phone. I quickly typed out the last of the lyrics before looking over them. “Melody! Come on! We won’t judge you,” Savana sighed.

“In that case, judge Kylie. She’s too mood-swingy lately. I was just working on some lyrics.”

“Let me see!” Savana screamed. I rolled my eyes and emailed the lyrics to the four of them. She pulled out her phone and read through them. “Wow. When did you come up with this?”

I shrugged. “Over the last three hours.”

“Do you have any ideas for music to go with it?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“Well, we’re not leaving this gas station till you go get an acoustic and play for us!” Cadence declared. I rolled my eyes and went with Savana to get my acoustic from the trailer. They gathered around me as I started to play the chords and melodies that had been floating around in my head.

The words flowed out effortlessly with the music.

I’ve said goodbye to hopes and dreams
but still I hold on to my memories.
Everything is not alright
I miss the way it used to be.

I want to scream
Because everything is fucked up
And I feel betrayed.
I’m calling for help but nobody is there.

Waking at three in the morning for stupid calls,
Your words mean nothing now;
They were nothing but lies.

I want to scream
Because everything is fucked up
And I’ve been betrayed
I’m calling for help
But you aren’t there

I’m calling for help
But you aren’t there
Nobody cares

It was just rumored remorse
But this is my last,
My last goodbye

I looked up from my guitar to see them all looking shocked. “Wow,” Kylie mumbled.

“That was…” Cadence trailed off, unsure of how to finish.

“Incredible!” Savana shouted. “How the hell did you come up with that? Last time we were writing songs together, the best you could come up with was The cat with a bat hit a mat.”

“We’re going to record that when we go into the studio, right?” Brooklyn asked. “Teach us how to play it!”

I laughed. “I will later. Now let’s get going.” They all nodded and Savana put my guitar away for me before we piled into the van and left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh, fuck. Another horrible short chapter. Terribly sorry. I'm pretty sure that I'm getting sick, so I need to maintain a normal-human schedule for the next couple of days. That means less amazing chapters. Sorry. :/

I really love all of you guys, especially my commenters. You guys keep me going. Seriously. Keep sending in the comments. <3


PS, I have pictures of Chris and Maika from when I met them on my page now. Just saying. ;D