Status: Finished. :]

The Distance Between Us


I curled up in my bed. Gare jumped up and slept peacefully at my feet. I sighed in frustration when I couldn’t sleep then looked at my clock. It was just past eleven. It was still too early for me. I grabbed my phone from the charger and dialed the familiar number.

“Hello?” he answered groggily.

I smiled. “Hi, Maika.”

“Are you home already?”

I sat on the edge of my bed and picked up a bag of unopened Cheetos from my nightstand. I always had food around. “Yeah. A couple hours ago.” I let out a small yawn as I tore the bag open and picked out a Cheeto, popping it in my mouth.

“We’re still in traffic,” he sighed. “Five more hours.” The CD playing in my stereo ended and skipped back to the beginning. “It’s my turn to drive next.” He yawned.

I smiled. “I love you.” I fell back against my bed and let out another yawn.

“I love you, too, Mel. Go to bed. I’ll call you when I wake up after I get home.”

“Promise?” I asked.

“I promise.”

“Goodnight, lover.”

He chuckled. “Goodnight, baby.” I blushed and pressed the end button before I put my phone back on its charger. I crawled back under my blankets and sighed contently before I fell asleep.

I grabbed a coke before I went to the laundry room. “God, my clothes stink,” I muttered as I stuffed some dirty clothes into the washer. I poured in some soap and started the machine before I opened my soda and took a sip.

I left the laundry room with my soda still in hand and went out to the living room to watch some TV. I grabbed the control and settled on watching CSI: New York. I pulled my hat down and called Garrett.

I was just about to fall asleep when my phone started ringing. I answered it quickly. “If this is anyone but Maika, your reason for waking me up better be damn good.”

His laughter rang in my ear and I smiled. “Sorry for waking you up.”

“I love you?”

He chuckled. “I would’ve called you sooner, but Jay decided to come over and hide my phone.”

I giggled. “I was doing laundry and watching TV… and apparently napping.” Kylie walked past me and my stomach growled. “And NOW I will attempt to find something in this house I can eat!”

“And what will you do if you can’t?”

I smiled as I got up and went into the kitchen, looking in the fridge, freezer, and all the cabinets. “Simple. I’ll go food shopping. I love food shopping. I’ll drag Kylie along, just for the hell of it.” I sighed when I found nothing appetizing. “Food shopping it is.”

I tossed something else I didn’t need in the cart and proceeded down the aisle. “I want a candle!” Kylie stared at me for a minute with a blank expression before I ran through the store to find a candle I liked. I sat on the floor and debated on whether I wanted the apple or vanilla one.

“What the hell are you doing?” Kylie asked when she finally caught up.

I got up and smiled. “I want both!” I put the candles in the cart.

“Well, I think we’re done,” she decided.

I sighed. “Fine.” I followed her to the cash register and once we paid, we left. I loaded the groceries—and other items into the car, I got into the driver’s seat and turned on the radio. I didn’t pay much attention so before I knew it, we were home—meaning I was probably speeding a lot. I quickly unloaded the groceries then made something to eat before I decided to take a nap on the couch.
♠ ♠ ♠

Remember how I told you about being a co-writer for a Chris story? Here it is! Go check it out!

Leave me some love, and I promise I've got a couple good updates coming up soon. I'm trying to get my chapters back to being slightly longer, but you have to understand that as a writer, it takes a lot of work and longer chapters means more pressure on me and possibly a longer wait for you.
