Status: Finished. :]

The Distance Between Us


I finished packing my bags and looked around my room one last time before I lugged everything to the living room. I gave Kylie a confused look when I saw that she didn’t have anything packed. “I’m not going,” she explained with a sigh. “Yet, anyway.” She smiled. “I’m packing tomorrow to go tell Chris and then I’m meeting up with you guys in like a week.”

“Well, you’re driving me to the airport at the very least,” I grinned. She nodded and helped me with my bags.

Cadence ran up to me when she saw me. “We’re all on the same flight, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, got your ticket?” She held it up. I snorted. “You’re in Coach? I got First Class.”

“Bitch, you suck!”

I shrugged. “You wanted to book your own flight.”

She giggled. “I also booked Brook’s flight.”

I sighed. “Alone again.” We were in the waiting area already when Brooklyn came and sat between us.

“Security is hell.” She frowned. “And I just found out I’m in Coach.”

“Little Miss I’m-Better-Than-Everyone-Else is in First Class,” Cadence snorted. “Where’s Kylie?”

I shrugged. “She’s going to Florida for a couple days.”

“Why?” Brooklyn asked.

“It’s not my business to say. She’ll tell you when she gets here, I’m guessing.”

The intercom sounded. “Now boarding: Flight 305.”

“That’s us!” Cadence said.

I giggled. “I’ll see you guys when we get there. I’m off to First Class!”

The month of recording passed slowly, and before I knew it, we were leaving New York and going home for a couple weeks. The drive home from the airport was slow. I stared out the window, watching the changes in scenery until we pulled into the driveway.

“Whose car is that?” I asked, turning to look at Kylie. She shrugged and we both got out. I walked towards the house and twisted the knob, letting myself in. I smiled spread across my face when I saw him sitting on the couch. “Maika!” I ran and jumped in his lap. “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were on tour.” I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. “Who said we aren’t on tour?” It was then that I realized Chris was on the other end of the couch. I lifted my head and looked at Chris.

“Hi, Chris. Nice to see you.” I smiled. “Prego is outside. She’s pissy today. Damn airports.” I shook my head and he laughed as he got up and left.

He kissed me and then smiled. “So, are you coming to the show tomorrow?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

He chuckled again. “You know, your mom almost killed Chris for knocking up Kylie. She’s seriously only eighteen??”

I nodded. “And they always thought I would get knocked up first.” I giggled. “Looks like I’m not the bigger disappointment anymore!”

He laughed. “You know you love your sister.”

I decided I would change the subject. “So where are you staying tonight?”

He shrugged. “We have hotel rooms already… But I wouldn’t mind staying with you.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

I playfully slapped his arms. “My momma would kill me!” I thought for a minute. “But you can stay.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't feel like writing the recording.
Blahh, I think this chapter sucks. I gotta write for a couple other stories...

Leave me love.
