Status: Finished. :]

The Distance Between Us


“Melody, I see you!” Kylie yelled. I quickly looked around to make sure Maika wasn’t around. “We need to talk!”

“About what?” I asked in a bored tone.

“Maika said you wanted him to kiss you,” Kylie said as she walked towards me. I sank down to the floor and crossed my legs.


“What? No denial? Shit. You just took the fun out of this,” she frowned. I shrugged. “Maika said he DID kiss you.” I shrugged again, trying not to give her the reaction she wanted. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”

I sighed. “Nothing. I’m gonna go get tattooed.” I got up and walked two blocks to the tattoo parlor I’d spotted earlier.

“What can I do for you, Little Missy?” the tall bald man behind the counter asked as I walked in. I eyed the numerous tattoos covering his arms and smiled.

“I want a treble clef and a couple notes following it,” I said proudly, knowing exactly how I wanted it.

“Care to draw the exact notes?” the man asked.

“Sure,” I grinned. He handed me paper and a pencil and I drew it out.

He looked at it and nodded. “Where do you want it?”

“Just below my right collar bone.” He nodded and handed me a tank top.

“You can go change in the back.” I nodded and went to change. I came back out wearing the tanktop. “Right this way.” He led me to a chair and I sat. I grinned as I watched him pick out the needle and ink. He sat down on a stool and cleaned the spot with rubbing alcohol before he started to ink me.

I looked around the small room, trying to focus on anything that was not the needle. “So, do you have a name?”

“Melody,” I offered.

He nodded. “Got yourself a boyfriend? You’re too pretty to not have one.”

“Not exactly,” I mumbled. I turned and looked at him. He had his eyebrow and septum pierced. “I’m never home long enough to keep one.”

“So you’re in a band, then?”

I nodded. “Yeah. But there’s this one guy on tour with us…” I sighed. “I like him, but my bandmates are betting on when I’ll sleep with him.”

“Commitment problems?”

“I never found anyone that held my attention,” I explained. “But he’s… Different.” He held up a mirror to show me the outline of the small images. “I like it.” I smiled.

The man and I talked until he finished. I changed back into my shirt then went to the front to pay. “Anything else? Maybe a piercing?”

My eyes lit up. “Can you pierce my nose?” He laughed and nodded. “Awesome!! I want a plain crystal stud.” He nodded and showed one to me. “Yeah! Like that!!”

He led me back to another room and before I knew it, my nose was pierced. I paid after that and started walking back to the venue. I sat in the van for a minute once I got back. I wasn’t ready to face anyone yet.

I smiled to myself and ran around the building to find a line for tonight’s show already forming. I walked up and sat beside a girl. “Hey,” I said casually.

“Hi,” she replied without looking at me.

“So you’re here for the show tonight?” She nodded. “What bands are you most excited about?”

“Every Avenue, and There for Tomorrow.” She turned and smiled at me.

“What about you guys?” I asked, looking at the four girls surrounding the door.

“I’m really excited about seeing Rumored Remorse,” a blond girl said.

“You can be my new best friend,” I grinned as I stood up. “I’m Melody.”

The girl’s eyes widened. “You sing for..!” I nodded. “Can I get a picture?” I nodded again and she grabbed her camera from the ground before she stood up and took a picture with me. The other four girls got out their cameras and got pictures, too.

“Did you know Maika was talking about you on Twitter, last night?” the first girl I had talked to asked.

“Oh fuck, what did he say?”

“Well, he’s tweeted about you a lot today, too,” the blond one said.

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number, pressing the send button quickly. “Ooo, who are you calling?” a short-haired girl asked.

“Hey, Melody,” Maika said.

“Maika,” I whined. “You tweeted about me??”

The girls all started looking to each other and then staring at me. “Are you following me, or did somebody tell you about it?”

“I was told about it,” I frowned. The girls whispered something.

“By who?”

“Come to the front doors and meet them, themselves,” I suggested before I hung up.

“So he really kissed you?” the redhead asked. I nodded with a smile. They all squealed. “How was it?”

I bit my lip thinking about it. “It was great,” I blushed.

“You know that he follows you on Twitter, right?” the blond asked.

“What? Since when?”

“Last night,” they all answered in unison.

“Melody,” Maika called. “Where are you?” He came around the corner and stopped. He raised an eyebrow then smirked before he walked up and wrapped his arm around me. “How many of you follow me?” They all raised their hands. He chuckled. “How many of you were jealous of Melody when you found out that I kissed her?” Again, all of them raised their hands.

I was getting nervous. What was he doing? “How many of you want to see me kiss her right now?” They all screamed.

“Traitors,” I hissed.

“Well, I can’t disappoint fans,” he said in a very smug tone.

“Traitors,” I hissed again. “Whatever happened to public displays of affection being a bad thing?! I miss those times!” I pouted before he leaned closer and pressed his lips to mine. His tongue ran along my lower lip before he pulled away suddenly.

“That was uncalled for,” I protested. “And totally out of line!”

“And all caught on camera!” a brunette squealed.

“I missed it,” one girl whined. I glared at her.

“Would you like an instant replay?” Maika asked.

“You wouldn’t,” I growled.

“You would really disappoint fans?” he asked, sounding shocked.

“You’re fucking evil,” I hissed before he kissed me again. His tongue parted my lips and tangled with mine. I reluctantly pulled away when I remembered that we were being watched. His hands were on my hips.

He leaned closer to me. “Find me later,” he whispered in my ear. My heart was racing out of control. He spoke so everyone could hear him as he let go. “Hope you enjoyed the little show.” He winked before he walked away.

They all just stared at me. “What did he say to you?” someone finally asked.

I smiled as I shook my head. “That’s for me to know.” They all looked down at their phones quickly.

There was a chorus of “Awe’s” and one girl held her phone up for me to read what he’d just said. God, that was amazing. Best kiss ever.

I giggled. “It was nice hanging out with you guys. I have some business to finish.” I winked quickly before I ran to find him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is what the tattoo looked like.

Sorry for the possible posting overloard. This chapter was far too amazing for me to not post tonight. =]

You know the drill. Comment. Love.
